-------------------------------------- How to create a PWAD with new textures -------------------------------------- First list the textures of DOOM DEUTEX -texture Then look at .\TEXTURES\TEXTURE1.TXT and .\TEXTURES\TEXTURE2.TXT If you want to create a new texture, declare it in .\TEXTURES\MYTEX.TXT (MYTEX could be any name but *except* TEXTURE1 or 2). see format.txt for the precise definition format. If you want to redefine a TEXTURE1 or TEXTURE2 entry, remove it from TEXTURE1.TXT or TEXTURE2.TXT and put it in MYTEX.TXT (for convenience). If you don't redefine textures from TEXTURE2.TXT delete that file. (For compatibility with DOOM2, TEXTURE2.TXT shoudl not exist). Declare MYTEX in the TEXTURES section of WADINFO.TXT DEUTEX -make WADINFO.TXT NEWBIE.WAD And then check your PWAD for textures errors DEUTEX -check NEWBIE.WAD Note: TEXTURE1.TXT and TEXTURE2.TXT are auto-loaded if they exist, because it happens that DOOM prefers (I dunno why) to have it's old textures listed first, so DeuTex takes care of that.