----------------------------------------------- How to create a PWAD with new sprites and flats ----------------------------------------------- Beware: sprite replacement is tricky. One false move and DOOM will lock up. check your work often. Install your PWAD with DeuSF before trying to play them. Put your sprites in .\SPRITES as GIF or BMP Put your Flats in .\FLATS as GIF or BMP Declare your sprites and flats in WADINFO.TXT in the SPRITES section: only the name, without .GIF or .BMP extension. (implicit). if you replace *ALL* the sprites of DOOM (crazy): DEUTEX -iwad -make WADINFO.TXT NEWBIE.WAD and NEWBIE.WAD is directly usable by doom if you replace only some of the sprites of DOOM (better): DEUTEX -iwad -make WADINFO.TXT NEWBIE.WAD It's much smaller, and easier to distribute. but then your PWAD would lock-up DOOM on startup. So anyone who want to use it has 3 choices: a/ DEUTEX -merge NEWBIE.WAD (modifies DOOM.WAD. but safe and fast ) b/ DEUSF -append NEWBIE.WAD (modifies NEWBIE.WAD. safer, but waste some space) c/ DEUSF -add NEWBIE.WAD NEWBIE2.WAD (create NEWBIE2.WAD. the safest, but space wasted) You might wish to add the -sprite command before anything, because else you'll also inherit of flats! Use in installs: DeuSF -sprite -app NEWBIE.WAD Don't forget that you can only freely distribute DeuSF. There are restrictions on the distribution of DeuTex.