How coke.wad was produced Credits: Lee Witek : For the bitmaps of the coke machine. (Also REJECT) Keith Wilkins : The hack of E1M1 COKE.WAD was produced with the following tools: DEU 5.21 (Thanks to Rapheal Quinet et Al.) WACKER V1.0 Step1 ----- Develop your bitmaps. Step2 ----- Load WACKER and then load in all of your new patches: For Wacker to recognise patches when loading a PWAD they must be enclosed in P_START P_END markers CREATE mygfx CREATE mygfx p_start CREATE mygfx p_end LPB myfgx coke01 front.bmp LPB mygfx coke02 back.bmp LPB mygfx coke03 side.bmp MOVE mygfx p_end coke03 The move command makes sure that the patches are within the markers as when you load a new patch it is always tagged onto the end of a WAD. Step3 ----- Create your new textures: CREATE texture coke_fr 128 128 CREATE texture coke_bk 128 128 CREATE texture coke_sd 64 128 Note: You MUST repeat MUST make sure the width of your new texture is binary power of 2 otherwise DooM will screw-up the drawing of the new texture. 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256 Now make the textures with the drag and drop. DISP coke01 DISP coke_fr Now pickup the front panel of the machine by holding down the mouse button and drag it over to the white box. Position it in the top left of the box and drop by releasing the mouse button. Hint You can use the cursor keys to give fine control over positioning whilst the mouse button is held down. Now do the same for COKE_BK and COKE_SD The WEL_DOOM and WEL_WACK textures were craeated in a similar manner except that all of the bitmaps already exist within the DOOM IWAD. You can pick and drop and bitmap from any of the patch galleries (SPRITE,PATCH,GRAPHIC) the alphabet used in both of the above can be found towards the end of the GRAPHIC gallery. If you load up the mygfx.wad already created you can see two new textures created out of the existing graphics within doom including graffiti on walls. Try LDW test mygfx.wad DISP WEL_WACK DISP WEL_DOOM You can use any graphic including sprites & objects in a texture. Step4 ----- Saving out your new textures. To trigger wacker to make PNAMES TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE1 which are reauired for new textures you must make sure that the PNAMES entry exists in the PWAD: CREATE mygfx PNAMES Because of a bugette in deu a 64 chunk of data must be appended to the end of the gfx pwad. LOR mygfx deufix deufix.bin Finally save out the gfx. SDW mygfx mygfx.wad Step5 ----- Exit wacker and loadup deu. From the start menu read in mygfx.wad to patch the texture texture list. r mygfx.wad The edit the level normally and save. Use the normal sidedef editor to incorporate you new graphics into the level and save out when finished. Save to mylevel.wad This will ONLY save the Level, the new textures must be either re-incorporated into the level (step 6). OR you can load 2 pwads into doom (level & gfx) Step6 (Optional merge of gfx & level) ----- To produce the final level load up wacker again and load your textures in: LDW mygfx mygfx.wad Merge the level LDW mylevel mylevel.wad MCOPY mygfx mylevel - Multiple copy from mygfx to mylevel It is also useful in terms of space to delete the deufix object at this point. As it is no longer required. DEL mylevel deufix Finally save out SDW mylevel finallvl.wad