ANNOUNCING the Generic A1 0.50 (still ALPHA) This is my own emergency disk/installation disk. I've just uploaded this version to and Since this is still an ALPHA release please e-mail me directly with any problems you have, and I will try to fix them for the next release. WELCOME to the Generic A1 instructions. Why Generic A1? - To install from MSDOS devices that haven't been configured for Linux yet... - To be able to create your own lilo boot disk, for those who have problem with standard distribution boot disks. - For one of the most complete emergency boot disks that will work with 5.25 or 3.5 inch drives. - For installing with a custom made kernel prepared by someone else. - For a set of manual pages to help you solve unusual installation problems - Use csh for your shell during installation, so new uses don't have to learn bash until after they install Linux. What Generic.A1 won't do: - Install from a network. - Provide an easy menu system for installation. - Install without an MSDOS partition - Act as a reliable source for current binaries. In cases where the new binaries are larger I'm still using the old. Many programs are simply replaced with either an alias or a script. Bill