Changes from 1.3.27 to 1.3.28
These changes are archived on
I cannot answer questions about Linux -- I merely summarize the kernel
patches after reading them. I try to make them useful to everyone,
but kernel hackers should take them with a grain of salt and read the
patches themselves. The patch file is patch-1.3.28.gz
These are from Linus:
Ehhh.. Ahh.. We seem to have had a off-by-one error, and it's only now
with the advent of the all-new-and-improved (20% more for the SAME
PRICE) 1.3.28 kernel that we're moving into the "BugFree(tm)" series.
- improved module support (notably scsi and sound)
- various minor alpha fixes from David M-T
- the kernel internally uses a "kdev_t" device type, and most of the
work to internally use 24-bit minor numbers has been done.
- ide-cd bugfixes
- console character mapping changes, and a "font reset" ioctl to get
back the original font.
- plip driver update
- /proc/scsi should work again
- updated kernel timer handling for exact timekeeping
- NULL pointer fixes for the updated process handling
Note that this patch applies on top of a _clean_ 1.3.27: if you applied
my earlier pre-patch that fixed the NULL pointer stuff, you need to
un-apply it (" cd /usr/src/linux ; patch -R -p1 < old-patch ") before
applying the real 1.3.28 patch.