7. Setting up a NIS Server

Contents of this section

7.1 The Server Program ypserv

This document only describes how to set up the "ypserv" NIS server. The "yps" server setup is similar, _but_ not exactly the same so beware if you try to apply these instructions to "yps"!

The NIS server software can be found on:

    Site                Directory                          File Name

    ftp.lysator.liu.se  /pub/NYS/servers                   ypserv-0.11.tar.gz
    ftp.funet.fi        /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/servers     ypserv-0.11.tar.gz
    mcsun.eu.net        /os/linux/BETA/NYS/servers         ypserv-0.11.tar.gz
    ftp.univie.ac.at    /unix/system/linux/funet/BETA/NYS/servers

The server setup is the same for both traditional NIS and NYS.

Compile the software to generate the "ypserv", "dbcat" and "dbload" programs. Firstly, determine what files you require to be available via NIS and then add or remove the appropriate entries to the ypMakefile. Install the file ypMakefile into /var/yp as the file Makefile.

Now build the DBM files by typing:

    % cd /var/yp; make

Make sure the portmapper (rpc.portmap) is running, and start the server "ypserv". The command

    % rpcinfo -u localhost ypserv

should output something like

    program 100004 version 2 ready and waiting

That's it, your server is up and running.

7.2 The Program yppasswdd

Whenever users change their passwords, the NIS password database and probably other NIS databases, which depend on the NIS password database, should be updated. The program "yppasswdd" is a server that handles password changes and makes sure that the NIS information will be updated accordingly. The software for "yppasswdd" can be found on:

    Site                   Directory                      File Name

    ftp.lysator.liu.se    /pub/NYS                        yppasswdd-0.5.tar.gz
    ftp.funet.fi          /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/NYS/servers  yppasswdd-0.5.tar.gz

Once you obtained the software, please follow the instructions which come with the software.

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