Disk Cleaners
Disc 3
CleanDisk - 2.1 |
This will automate disk cleaning to help you save time and space. |
DiskArella - 3.3 |
Recover disk space by deleting useful files by setting up a search criteria for DiskArella to clean by. |
DiskPatrol - 1.3 |
Get rid of 0-byte files and files that are unusually large or set a file type criteria to clean your hard drive. |
DiskState - 2.04 |
Capture disk states for comparison to help you clean out junk files. |
Erazer 99 - 4.3 |
Erazer finds useless, junk files and deletes them for you. |
Evidence Eliminator - 5.0 |
Remove files based on user input to remove evidence. |
QuickClean - 4.04 |
QuickClean your Hard-Drive and save 100Æs of MEGABYTES! |
Unique Filer - 1.4 |
Clean that messy box of yours by finding duplicate files and getting rid of them. |