Cookie Utilities
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Complete Cleanup - 4.17 |
Complete Cleanup protects Internet privacy and frees up extra disk space by cleaning up a variety of Internet and non-Internet files on your computer. It displays file statistics and removes all Internet cookies, cache files, history files, and location URLs for Internet Explorer, Netscape, or AOL. Complete Cleanup also cleans up the recent-documents' list, along with leftover temporary files, excess index files, previous file "run history," and previous file "find history." You can also enter any of your own personal cleanups that you would like to add to the cleanup list. An uninstall is included. |
Cookie Crusher - 2.5 |
Cookie Crusher is a handy cookie utility that allows you to view the cookies outside servers have sent, to accept and reject cookies from selected servers, and to view cookies that are currently stored in Netscape and MSIE directories. |
Cookie Pal - 1.5d |
Cookie Pal is a complete Internet cookie-management system for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. It automatically accepts and rejects Internet cookies from all or from user-specified Web sites, without having to click on the Web browser's annoying "Cookie Alert" messages all the time. |
PurgeIE - 3.01 |
PurgeIE is a utility program designed to help maintain the cache and cookie files for Internet Explorer 4.0, or higher. Subscription cache and non-subscription cache are managed separately based on "minimum time since last use". The primary INDEX.DAT files are maintained without requiring a reboot. An option is provided for deleting 'stray' cache and cookie files as well as an option for deleting the Windows Temporary Files. This utility also serves as a "Track Cleaner" to prevent others seeing where you surfed. A "Preview" option enables you to study the effect of each of the Purge options prior their execution. |
Window Washer - 2.6 Revision 2 |
Window Washer tweaks your Windows 95 operating system by setting up scheduled cleanings of your Web browser cache, your Windows find history, recycle bin, temp directory, and much more. Window Washer is also good for protecting information that you may not want others to see. The new version features enhanced support for IE 5. |