Offline Browsers
Disc 4
BlackWidow - 4.06 |
A self-proclaimed "site-ripper", Black Widow uses a very easy to use interface, lists all the files at the site you mention, you check the ones you want and hit download. Easy to use and the only "site ripper" that would successfully pull in the site I unsuccessfully tried to pull with other products. Very well done. |
Disco Pump - 3.1 |
Disco Pump loads web pages on your computer and builds the saved pages into a structured file tree where the user can easily access all pages in order as they where loaded easy to use and easy to navigate. |
HTTrack - 2.00 |
HTTrack is an easy-use web site mirror utility. It allows you to transfer a Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all structures, getting html, images, and other files from the server to your computer. Links are rebuilt relatively so that you can freely browse to the local site (works with any browser). |
JOC Web Spider - 2.60 |
Download and view websites quickly and easily with JOC Web Spider. Supports JavaScript and VBScript. |
Offline Explorer - 1.2 |
Offline Browser is a Windows 95/98/NT program that allows the user to download their favorite web sites for later viewing or editing. |
Teleport Pro - 1.29, Build 1107 |
Versatile Web spider. Useful for retrieving a web site in its entirety for offline viewing, mirroring a site, search a webpage for a specific file type or size, and even grabbing web sites linked from a central website. |
WebCopier - 2.0 |
WebCopier is a powerful offline browser that downloads Web sites and stores them locally. It gives you instant access to critical Web siat any time, regardless of where you are. WebCopier performs precise links searching, including JavaScript parsing, it can download up to 100 files simultaneously and print entire Web site or only specific part of it. WebCopier supports proxy servers, allows to specify account name and password to access secure Web sites. Advanced features include scheduler, templates, Url and file filters, wizards, ability to resume download, dialer, Shockwave files support, different language modules. |
WebMirror - 1.4c |
Utility that can be used to retrieve entire sites, or part of them, from the World Wide Web. Sites are stored on a compact database on the local hard drive and can be viewed off-line using the internal HTTP proxy server as if you are still on-line. |
WebRecorder - 1.2 |
WebRecorder is a high speed Internet-client for downloading of single large files, parts of Web sites or Web sites wholly. Here are listed only some of its features: resuming of broken connection, downloading files from the same position in which the downloading was interrupted, time scheduling, creation of local mirrors of downloaded Web sites, downloading only of new or changed pages, extremely easy to use! |
WebStripper - 1.1 |
This offline browser is fairly fast and will download entire sites at once. It is easy to use just enter in the address and off you go. There are many filters to include such as file size and images. It will even fetch new or updated pages. |
WebZIP - 3.07 |
Quickly download and save entire websites, or just the parts you need. Websites are automatically downloaded and stored within a single compressed Zip file, which can later be viewed off-line with your preferred browser, or WebZIP's built-in browser. Simply drag and drop links from your browser into WebZIP's DropZone, or use WebZIP's Task Wizard to gain maximum control over what information you retrieve. |