Security Applications
Disc 4
Absolute Security Standard - 3.3 |
Absolute Security protects the confidentiality of sensitive information. Whether the information to protect is being transmitted through unsecure networks -- such as the Internet -- or residing on the hard drive. Absolute Security contains an intuitive interface and is clean and easy to use. |
ADS Security Wizard - 1.06 |
ADS Security Wizard allows you to manage your passwords and other sensitive information securely and easily. Features include customizable database fields, ability to store unlimited amount of passwords, create your own image themes for master password entry and much more. |
AppsTraka - 2.53 |
AppsTraka is a desktop security application which monitors and controls a users' activity. It can track which programs, files or websites are used, as well as the time and duration they are used for. |
Blowfish Advanced CS - 2.04 |
The secure file encryption and wipe utility Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Supports Blowfish, PC1, triple-DES and Twofish. Data compression. Random number generation with Yarrow, key setup with SHA-1. Possibility to work with encrypted files. Integration into the Windows Explorer. Supports jobs for batch-like automation, Drag+Drop. File browser,favorites and many more features. 40 bits key restriction (US exportable shareware version only). |
BootLocker - 7.2 |
BootLocker is a desktop security program that protects your computer from Windows startup. It does not allow intruders to access anything without a username and password. There is system tray support, password recovery, and locking screen saver. All in an easy to use interface. |
Darn! Passwords! - 1.1 |
Darn! Passwords! keeps track of all those pesky passwords you need for the Internet, on line services, financial sites, and other secure programs. You remember one password. Darn! Passwords! remembers all the rest. It remembers URLs of password-protected web sites. Just pick the password, and drag it and it's log-in (if there is one) into the program or web site that uses it. |
EasyCrypt - 1.0d |
EasyCrypt is an cryptographic software tool based around one window that allows you to select one or several files, or to select entire folders/directories that makes image and file encryption as easy as possible. |
Encrypt Easy - 2.0 |
Encrypt Easy is a highly secure file encryption program which uses double encryption and the 67 encryption methods. Easy to use and supports many file types. |
Eraser - 3.6 |
Eraser is an advanced security tool which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from you hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Other options include the ability to drag and drop files and folders to the on-demand eraser and the ability to use the integrated scheduler. |
File Protector - 1.60b |
File Protector is a utility to protect your files and or folders. Protecting can be done in various ways. You can hide them, make them undeleteable, unrenameable, unreadable, unmodifieable, unappendable, unexecutable, or make them invisible. Files and folders, including subdirectories, are protectable and wild cards are allowed. |
International PGP - 6.5.2a |
PGP 5.0i is the latest international version of PGP. It is basically the same version as PGP 5.0, but because it was compiled from source code that was scanned and OCRed from printed books that were legally exported from the US, it is legal to use in almost any country in the world. |
Jammer - 1.95 |
Jammer is a tool that completely protects you against NetBus, Back Orificeand BO2K . Hacker can use any port and any password and any version of these tools - Jammer still detects the invasion Jammer is a low-level network sniffer. It captures all incoming and outgoing network traffic. All services, ports and any protocols are under Jammer attentive monitoring. |
JVDE EBackup Standard - 2.50 |
JVDE EBackup Standard allows you to encrypt and decrypt files, send encrypted e-mails and wipe files from your hard drive. |
Locker4Net - 1.26 |
Locker helps you guard files, of any type, from unwanted eyes. A sophisticated coding system gives you a secure guard. It uses a code named 'Locker Key' to lock and unlock files. This key is unique for each registered version. |
LockIt! - 3.5 |
LockIt! is a small tool that lets you complesecure your PC while you are away. Multiple options let you control the security. |
Magic Folders - 99.10.1 |
Trying to protect some folders on your computer from discovery by those who use your computer? Incriminating photos, your diary, embarrassingly bad poetry? Hide the folders from Explorer and even DOS with Magic Folders. It is easy to use but very useful; you can even rename the executable so as to hide it from attention (this is why we don't include the program's icon). You can even have multiple passworded accounts. |
Matredd SysLock - 2.0 |
Matredd SysLock allows the user to lock their computer and disable all access to their desktop until the correct password is entered. Allows you to continue downloading and leave computer safely. |
NetAXs Personal - 1.1.7 |
You want complete computer security? Here it is! You can secure any individual file, a group of files a whole directory, anything that you feel you want secured. There are different levels of security such as read only and undeleteable. You also get to regulate who gets to use what programs. For instance, if you don't want you child playing with your internet chat program you can disable that program for him/her. |
Password Administrator - 1.21 |
Password Administrator is account password software for the user who needs to keep track of multiple passwords. Features include multiple databases, unlimited number of passwords, grouping together of passwords and much more. |
Password Protector - 1.0 |
Organize and securely store passwords, pin numbers, and other sensitive information with this software. You can have multiple password lists and multiple users. Passwords may be associated with programs or URLs for easy use. It will even suggest a password for you, cool! |
PC-Encrypt - 4.4 |
One-way encryption which does not require PC-Encrypt or two-way encryption. Multiple password books and multiple users. You can delete files securely and encrypt all files in a folder. There is the ability to send the encrypted data by mail too. |
ProtectX - 3.00.0001 |
ProtectX is a security application that will protect your system against hackers while online. |
Rainbow Diamond Intrusion Detector - 1 |
Rainbow Diamond Intrusion Detector acts as a burglar alarm to alert you when someone may be attacking your PC from the Internet. Intrusion Detector monitors for suspicious network activity directed at your computer. Suspicious events are logged, and Intrusion Detector also attempts to determine the identity of the user who may be attacking your system. |
Security Officer Pro - 2.0 |
Security Officer Pro runs 'below' your other applications, deep inside the Windows operating system. It offers task-bar accessible protection and monitoring of the file system, a unique virus shield, file and folder protection and hiding, internet monitoring, logging and filtering, as well as support for smart-card based access control and system locking. |
Shredder 95 - 1.23 |
Shredder95 goes way beyond Government-grade, Department of Defense, requirements to completely destroy files. Every bit of a file is overwritten numerous times and then randomized. And, using proper proven methods, Shredder 95 also overwrites the name, date, time and size so that nothing whatsoever remains. Whatever files(pictures, letters, e-mail, etc.) that you may have, Shredder 95 will remove, forever. |
Steganos II Security Suite - 2.1 |
The Steganos II Security Suite is the complete security solution for desktop PCs and laptops - at the office and at home. Steganos offers perfect Windows integration: You can hide and encrypt your files by simply using the context menu. The program also contains a password management tool, a file shredder, and a program to lock the compu |
SyShield - 1.11 Build 175 |
SyShield provides easy to use and cost effective protection for computers connected to the Internet through standard dial-up modems as well as ISDN, Cable, DirectPCT, and ADSL modems. SyShield protects home and office systems through a choice of 5 different security levels which predefine rules for blocking and opening sets of specified ports and protocols. |
System Safe - 3.0 |
Protect your system files with this powerful program. It repairs/replaces corrupt/missing system files. FileScan can scan your system at Windows startup and make corrections if needed. System File Lab can protect hundreds of files. |
SystemCloak - 2.0 |
SystemCloak is a security utility that locks down your computer and prevents unauthorized access! You can hide your desktop through the use of decoy bitmaps, screen savers, and a screen capture! Logs system tasks, incorrect passwords and is fully configurable! |
TDS-2: Trojan Defence Suite - 2.7.5 |
TDS-2: The world's most comprehensive anti-trojan package, speech synthesised and detecting over 360 trojans and worms, peace of mind with a state-of-the-art defence system is just a short download away. Also detects port-scanning, trojan hacking attempts and has over 150 configurable items. Automatic updates, a jam-packed featureset, dozens of utilities, and 3rd party plugins extends the use of TDS beyond your imagination. |
WebCrypt 2000 - 1.1 |
Stop linkbacks that eat up your bandwidth. Guard against spammers who use spiders to get e-mail addresses from your site. Protect your graphics by encrypting your HTML and using WebCrypt's built in no-right-click script. This software takes your HTML code and encrypts it. |
WinDefender - 1.0.3 |
With the help of WinDefender program You will be able to install protection on Windows 95/98 folders in the manner of automatic ("on the fly") ciphering of files of some folders that is "transparent" for Windows, i.e. will be no difference, from standpoints of use, does You work with the usual file or with enciphered while WinDefender is active. Ciphering is based on the password. So physically files in such folders will be enciphered and no one will be able view their content without WinDefender running. |
WinXFiles - 4.3 |
WinXFiles encrypts your files so no one can view them without your password. It is quite easy to operate and useful for those of you with personal graphics and such. WinXFiles can also encrypt and decrypt any file, and run the associated application. It contains a new interface. |
Z-file Camouflage System - 3.0 |
Z-file Camouflage System ensures that your information is well protected and allows you to feel more secured in utilizing your computer without worrying that other people may be able to steal, modify or copy your files. |