1. There's almost exactly zero chance of a DOS version of IE (DOS est mort! Vive le DOS!), but we are currently working on making IE multiplatform. By the end of '95, you should be able to run the same copy of IE on a machine running Windows, OS/2 or System 7. And why are you settling for a 386 when you could probably buy a 486-33 motherboard for $300? 2. I would think you might be able to find a DOS-based .AVI player somewhere on the net, probably as a piece of shareware some DOS lover wrote just to irritate Microsoft. 3. Old interviews? Our interviews have always been interactive (except for the infamous Roberta Williams blooper . . . ). Check out the Bill Stealey interview this month and let us know whether the additions we've made to the interface are an improvement or not. 4. Sorry, but we often bundle IE with other magazines and software, so people see the mag who AREN'T already subscribers, and we want them to be. We can only continue to do this as long as people keep buying it, so we really can't afford not to advertise. Sorry. T.K.