Dear IE, Before I start, I must say that I like IE, and have subscribed. Congratulations of putting out a fine product. Now for the gripes, from hardest to easiest to implement (in my opinion). 1) How about an interface using OS/2 or DOS. There are a lot of people out there with slow machines (like me, 386-40), and who think that since Windows is a poor platform, maybe we should support moving to better ones. 2) If you refuse to port the interface, how about using an AVI format that can be read by a non-windows AVI player. The current format is proprietary to Microsoft, so the OS/2 video player can not read it. If you used a more widely known format, I'm sure you would have OS/2 and MAC interfaces arriving on your doorstep within a couple months. 2) Extend the DEMO option! That is, the DEMO button under OPTIONS from the main menu. I would like to enter Adventure from the Table of Contents, and click a button to listen to all the reviews in that category. Then I could listen to the category I want to hear, and skip the ones I don't. 3) I liked the old interviews better. I would rather just listen to the person talk than navigate a little conversation tree. Maybe a DEMO button here would be a good compromise. 4) STOP ADVERTISING YOURSELF! I know how great the magazine is, because I already bought it. You don't need to convince me anymore. I like the advertisement format, you just need to advertise for other people. Thanks for listening to my rant. M.D. Rockville, MD (via Internet)