Well . . . 1. We will. Sometime within the next couple of episodes, when you install IE, it will put a bunch of icons in your IE program group. One will run the mag, one will run it in demo mode (all articles play by themselves), there will be a Windows helpfile on common technical problems, we will implement the oft-requested article index . . . and one will let you configure IE to your liking, much the way the configuration option used to work on the main menu, except that in the new version, you configure things once and IE remembers them forever. Some of these features should be implemented by issue 11, the rest by 12 or 13. 2. Check out the new buttons on the interface, then consider whether you like the interactive format or not. 3. Maybe . . . don't count on seeing this anytime soon, though. Random replies: If you're looking to work for us, don't drop subtle hints about it. Send us a cover letter and resume. We do hire people occasionally, and we keep resumes on file. The people we usually need the most of are writers, so if you can write and play games, send a resume to: Tim Keating, Editor Interactive Entertainment Box 327 Rochester, VT 05767