As I may have mentioned before, you can order back issues by calling 1 800 56 CDMAG. (Since you're international, that would be 802 767 3033. You'll need to ask for IE back issues.) If you haven't received all of your order, you need to give them another call to check on it. We don't have anything to do with that end of things, I'm afraid. Re: the Warlords 2 thing, I'm not sure what you're talking about. We were going to include some scenarios concocted by our staff, but they accidentally got deleted before we could copy them into the magazine. This reminds me of an important point I've wanted to make for a while. I'd like to find out how interested people are in seeing us include original scenarios on IE. We've toyed with the idea of including Lode Runner levels, Incredible Machine puzzles and the like, but we aren't convinced that our viewers are dying to get their hands on new levels for such games. If you're interested, let us know what games you'd like to see new scenarios for, and we'll consider doing this in the future. T.K.