Dear IE, I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your CD Mag. In fact, I no sooner bought issue #4 then I stayed up to 1 a.m. our time so I could call the U.S. and subscribe to it. Keep up the good work, and I am glad your dropped those ads from the first couple of disks. When I ordered my subscription I also ordered disks 1,2,3,5,6 and 7 - I received all the disks except Volume 1. Is this on back order for me, or is it no longer available? In Volume 3 in the article about Warlords 2, your reporter said there were some of their own maps on the C.D. I cannot find them. Are they included, and if so, where? Do you also computer games (PC IBM), and if so could you please send me a catalog. Thanks lots, looking forward to #8. B.C. Perth, Australia