Undoubtedly one of the biggest and best PC games in recent years was Star Control II, designed by Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III. After creating The Horde for Crystal Dynamics, the dynamic duo started on a conversion of Star Control II to the 3DO platform. Now the mega-hit PC game can be experienced on the 3DO, with all new cinematics and other "multimedia" features. Star Control II is a unique blend of strategy and action gaming, combined with an interesting science-fiction story. You assume the role of a space ship pilot who is warding off a pending attack from the Ur-Quan Hierarchy. After meeting up with starbase near earth, you form an alliance in hopes of saving humanity from the on-coming attack. The starbase is low on energy, caused by a lack of radioactive material. So, your first goal is to find the pertinent resources for the starbase, so it can perform everyday functions. After that, your link to the starbase will become stronger, and together, you will be able to hopefully ward off the Ur-Quan attack. Eventually the Ur-Quan and other alien races – 18 in total – will catch on to your presence in their universe and send ships to investigate. When these aliens do arrive, be prepared for some high stakes combat. The game quickly switches from a strategy mode to an arcade mode where you duel with the enemy for victory. These battles with the aliens are a common occurrence later on in the game, although most of your time will probably be spent exploring other solar systems and planets. The 3DO version includes a "Super Melee" mode, allowing for 2 players to play head-to-head space combat. This is a separate game not linked to SC2, but a lot of fun for 2 players, providing you have a second control pad. The greatest enhancements to the game include over 8 hours of digitized speech, with good voice actors, and an incredible CD quality musical score. The game has also been overhauled to take advantage of the 3DO's graphic and speed horsepower. Speaking of digitized speech, the method of interaction with characters in Star Control II is similar to many role playing or adventure games. The designers have used branching dialogue trees, which in a nutshell, means that you get to select how to converse with characters. This method of character interaction allows for greater flexibility in the game, and makes the player feel more in control. Star Control II is a truly immense title, encompassing some 3000 planets and 500 star systems. Throughout your quest to rid the universe of the Ur-Quan, much time will be spent gathering resources from these planets. This, combined with enthralling space combat, provide a pleasant mix of strategy and action. Based upon my preview copy, it looks like Star Control II on 3DO will not toy with the original game design, which was so popular with many PC game players. Instead, the 3DO version will significantly enhance the cosmetic features of the game, adding a multimedia twist to this title. In a way this game can be compared to Wing Commander on the PC, and Super Wing Commander on the 3DO. The basic elements of the game are still there, but it really feels like a new experience because of all the enhancements. Star Control II should easily attain instant classic status on 3DO when released, simply based on the popularity of the PC version.