No one knows exactly when it happened, but eventually, the whole Eastern seaboard went to seed. The streets are being stalked by weird mutants and the products of rampant genetic experiments. No one wants to spend any time outside now, equally afraid of all the dangerous nasties and of the high radiation levels. While it has all the earmarks of random societal disintegration, this decay is actually the result of careful planning on the part of that evil jack-in-the-box Dr. Entropy. Revelling in the breakdown, he sits in his secret fortress, knowing that no one can stop him now . . . except maybe those idealistic idiots, The Superhero League of Hoboken! But, no, probably not even them. SLH (produced by Legend) is the creation of Steve Meretzky, who has previously graced the planet with such twisted game products as Leather Goddesses of Phobos and the Spellcasting series. This time around he has combined elements from adventure and role-playing games with a truly bizarro script based on characters who are mostly notable for their mediocrity. The player is the league's founder, The Crimson Tape. He may not be much in combat, but man, can he make a chart! Using his natural organizational and leadership skills, CT has gathered the most impressive collection of superhumans New Jersey has to offer, or at least those who weren't employed elsewhere. This crack team (or team of crackpots, take your pick) includes such impressive members as: The Iron Tummy, able to eat anything, no matter how spicy, without gastric distress! Robo-Mop, able to clean any mess! Tropical Oil Man, able to increase a foe's cholesterol level! Madame Pepperoni, able to see inside closed pizza boxes! And of course, Mr. Excitement, the most boring person within at least a hundred mile radius! How could anything be beyond such capable talents? Our heroes are given several missions in the city. If they successfully complete them, they will receive some serious recognition, possibly even outshining the Superhero League of Dixville Notch. However, on their way to the problem spot, they will very likely have problems of their own, for the aforementioned mutants and other nasties are on the prowl! In order to get where they're going, the SLH will have to deal with (among others) Lawyers (who attack with lawsuits), Supermoms (who may set you up on a date with a hideous girl), and Glowing Beaneaters (whose radioactive flatulence kills!), not to mention the mysterious Steroid Men! But you must battle through, in order to receive valuable experience points and treasure. Of course, if it looks like those guys are just flat out going to kill you, you can run away or bribe them. You may be superheroes, but you're not stupid. While most damage can be taken care of with a quick rest, every now and then a member of the party may run into something a little more permanent. These trials run the gamut from radiation poisoning to a psychosomatic case of the hiccups implanted by a Suggester. The only cure for these things is the healing touch of a shaman, to be found in one of the markets. As you can see, the overall structure of the game is not that unusual. It's just the specifics that get weird. The missions are basically puzzles. In order to, for example, save the Jersey City marketplace from the dreaded limburger bomb, you need to use a very specific item. (No, I'm not going to tell you what that item is.) Eventually, you will probably clear your mission board, and when you do, you will start getting calls from other superheroes about joining up. Also, your mission board will fill up again, and you return to the wilds of New Jersey. The game has 33 missions so far, and begs frantically for a sequel. One of my favorite specifics is also to be found at market. A few areas have tents with red lights hanging out front. You will find semi-respectable brothels within. If you can overcome your superhero moral code, you may wish to dally with these lovely ladies. If you do, you will get experience points for it, as in, "Wow, that was quite an experience!" Overall, this is a very entertaining game. It uses the Xanth engine, but don't expect that kind of low-level pun festival. The jokes fly fast and furious, and they tend more toward the absurd and the running gag. For example, no matter what kind of shop you go into in those infamous markets, the keepers always make the same crack about not dealing in black market goods, and you always hear toilets flushing in the background. Will the Superhero League of Hoboken manage to defeat Dr. Entropy's evil schemes? Will they be able to keep from getting poison ivy itchies along the way? Will they possibly even get . . . lucky? The answers to these and other pointless questions may be as close as your PC!