Sir Tech's Jagged Alliance isn't here yet - but the company promises it will be here in the near future. This strategy-adventure game will give the player a choice of 60 different mercenaries to fill an eight-man team whose objective is to seize control of an island from a scientist gone bad. Realms of Arkania: Star Trail is the sequel to Blade of Destiny from Attic Software, to be distributed by CES. Designer Guido Henkel of Attic says the new version will be easier for novice role-playing gamers to get into. Sir Tech also announced its plans to release the eighth installment in the Wizardry series. You'll have a lot of time to think about, since the game won't be out until the summer or fall of 1995. The company also officially announced that Ian Currie, one of the designers of Jagged Alliance, will head their new development department. The first games from this new section, a fantasy game and a strategy game, are due in the summer of 1995.