TO INSTALL THE BLOODSTONE IE will install the complete commercial version of Mindcraft's Bloodstone to your hard drive. To continue, click "Done" to close this text window and choose "OK" when the install script asks whether you wish to install the game. To play the game, exit IE and close Windows. Change to the directory to which you installed Bloodstone and type BLOOD. Don't forget to run SETD to configure for your sound card. ABOUT THE BLOODSTONE This is a the full commercial version of Mindcraft's Bloodstone. The manual is available on this disc as MANUAL.WRI in a directory called BLOD_DOC off the root of your CD ROM. (That is to say, if your CD is D:, this file may be found in D:\BLOD_DOC.) To print a copy of this manual, open the file in Windows Write (usually found in your Accessories group in Program Manager) and select Print from the File menu. Also under BLOD_DOC are two directories, B_W and COLOR. Each contains a full set of scans of the map included with the original game. The files in B_W are grayscale and the ones in COLOR are in color. (Logical, yes?) The map files are MAP, which is a one-page scan of the whole map, and NE, NW, SE and SW, which are the four quadrants of the map in greater detail. The quadrant maps are better-suited to printing . . . print the ones in B_W if you have a regular laser printer, COLOR if you have a color printer. For a review of Bloodstone, including a brief walkthrough of the beginning of the game to get you started, choose Features from the main menu or Bloostone from the Hints & Tips menu.