TEAMTRIS by Philippe Blais Copyright 1991-92 Cin‚tic Systems, All Rights Reserved Yet another Tetris clone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you ever dreamed of playing Tetris "with someone" and not "against someone"? Well, it is now possible with Teamtris! This exiting new variant of the most popular game of the world let you play in four different modes: o One player / small board (standard) o One player / large board (twice as large as standard board) o Two players / competition mode (standard two players game) o Two player / team mode (two players on the same large board!) When entering the game, F1 toggles the number of players and F2 chooses the game mode you want to play and starts the game. The key mapping for the two players are: Player #1 Player #2 Left A or Right D or Rotate S or or Drop or When playing, hitting the 'N' key toggles the "Noise" ON and OFF. To pause the game hit the 'PAUSE' key. To continue playing, hit any key. In two player team mode, if one of the players drops his piece on the moving piece of the other player, the piece will get stock in the middle of the board as if it has reached the bottom, so be careful! Teamtris runs on color and monochrome VGA display. To start the game in monochrome mode, type "teamtris mono" at the DOS prompt and the colors will be ajusted to be viewable on a monochrome display. This program is FREEWARE and has been given to the public domain on the 28th day of October 1991. Donations are welcome. If you like this game, PLEASE TELL US! "TEAMTRIS" Enjoy the game! º º º ±±±± º Send comments and suggestions to: º ±±±± º º º Cin‚tic Systems º ²²²²²² º º ²² º º º Groud address: 56 Lefran‡ois º ±±º Delson, Quebec, º±±±± ±± °°°° ±±º J0L 1G0 º±±±± ²² ±±±±±± °°°° ±±º º°°°°±±±±²² ²²²²²²²²±±²²²²²²²²²±±º Interet: Cinetic@Speedy.CAM.ORG º °°°°±±²²²²°°°°°°°°±±±±°°°°°°°°°º Compuserve: 71640,666 ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ----------------end-of-author's-documentation---------------