Included on this disk is a file called "quilts.til". This is a file that I created using your TileMaker program that I recieved when I registered. (I was very impressed with that too!!) The context of the tiles are all quilt blocks. My mother, who is also a Mah Jongg addict, came up with the idea that she and I together make a set of tiles that consisted of something very colorful but also nicely structured. Being that my mother is also a quilter it quickly came to her mind that we make quilt blocks. The end result is something we are very proud of and hope can be distributed with your Mah Jongg colections. Most of the tiles included are blocks located in the book "Key to 1000 Quilt Paterns" by Judy Rehmel. While a few are creations of my own hand, either way we feel they make a very colorful and enjoyable game. Michel Pelletier Loretta Pelletier