Alternate Tile Set for Mah Jongg ver. 3.3 Tile Set Name: CHUCK.TIL Subject: The Many faces of Chuck Created by: The Friends of Chuck This is our friend Chuck. He's a freewheelin' sort of guy, livin' the good life in sunny Southern California. One day recently, he composed a self-portrait on the Mahjongg Tile Maker and then made the fatal error of leaving it out where unscrupulous pranksters like ourselves could get at it. As you can see, we've come up with many different guises for Chuck. Maybe you can think of others... Description: There are no wild cards or unmatched tiles in this set. The thirty-six labels included are: (1) The Chuckman of Alcatraz (19) Father Chuck (2) Officer Chuck (20) Devil Chuck (3) Cowboy Chuck (21) Chuck, the Skin Diver (4) Chief Sitting Chuck (22) Count Chuckula (5) Chuck, the Waiter (23) Miss Chuck (6) Santa Chuck (24) Chuck, the Sailor (7) The Chuck of Liberty (25) Chucko the Clown (8) The Invisible Chuck (26) Generalissimo Chuck (9) Super Chuck (27) Mouseketeer Chuck (10) Chuck, the Bank Robber (28) Cinco de Mayo Chuck (11) Chuck of the Opera (29) Chucky Crockett (12) Chuck, the Fourth Musketeer (30) King Chuck the First (13) Farmer Chuck (31) Friar Chuck (14) Chuck, the Baker (32) Chuck, the Pirate (15) Wizard Chuck (33) Biker Chuck (16) Chuck Bonaparte (34) Chuck, the Magician (17) Pilgrim Chuck (35-38) Chuck, the Dealer (18) Angel Chuck (39-42) Bat Chuck We're sure you'll like this game, cause it's Chuck full-o-fun!