INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Place the files HANGWORD.EXE, HANGWORD.HLP, and all supplied *.HWD files in a directory of your choice, for example C:\HANGWORD. 2. In the Windows program manager (or desktop manager you are using), add a program item to a group of your choice. Sample specification: Description: HangWord Command line: C:\HANGWORD\HANGWORD.EXE Working directory: C:\HANGWORD Substitute the actual drive + directory where you put the files in step 1. Press OK. 3. Launch the program. An "Open Word File" box will appear the first time you run the program. Select a file from the list and click "Open". 4. To play, click on letters on the screen, or press letters on the keyboard. 5. If an incorrect letter is guessed, a piece of the PC will fall into the trash can. You can continue to play while the pieces fall. 6. To move on to another word, click on "New" on the menu bar, or press Alt+N on the keyboard. ERRATA ------ 1. When you return to the program in the future, the program will re-open the last word file used. To switch to another word file, use the File/Open Word file menu. 2. If you would like to build your own word files, it's quite easy. See the on-line help file for details (Select "Contents" from the "Help" menu). 3. Unmatched letters are shown on the screen using an underscore. With some screen fonts, the underscores run together into a continuous line. 4. The win/lose tunes play through your computer's MIDI synthesizer/sound board (if present). MIDI uses much less disk space and usually offers better sound quality (when compared to WAVE files). But since musical instruments play slightly different on various synthesizers, some of the tunes might sound a bit strange. When tunes play through MIDI, you can move on to another word while the tune plays. If your computer does not have a MIDI synthesizer, the tunes will play through the PC's internal speaker, and the keyboard/mouse is inhibited while the tune is in progress. Also, If you run OS/2 (instead of Windows) and the music plays thru the internal speaker, it may play abnormally slow. You can turn off the music by selecting Options/Sound from the menu. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --------------- CorelDRAW! clipart is used for the computer figures. See the Help/About screen in the program for other copyright and disclaimer information.