Changes from 1.0 to 1.2a Additions - new HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL stack direction Spreads all its card on its surface instead of stacking them one on another - Stack can now Overlap (like in pyramid) - Icons can now represent the game it is connected to - Automatic indentation in editor window Bugs Corrected - Bug in card dragging verticaly corrected - Bug in initial Games List Box path - Bug with iconic Help Box - Bug with stack Direction := left and deltas calculation - Bug with Turn instruction and the log - Bug with garbage left between cards when CardWidth last deltas - Bug with break in a with inside a predicate/function - Bug in Games List Box and current directory - Drawing problems when dragging cards over flashing ones Quirks Adjusted - Now Catches division by zero Problems Spotted but not corrected - Erasing problems in fireworks when menu opens - Some Synchronicity problems between directory in file requester and in Icons List Box =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Changes from 1.2a to 1.3a Additions - Choice between [Play Menu] and [Full Menu] - Wait #seconde/100 procedure, timed call - Menu and Window setup saved between sessions - [Choose New Game] menu item - In compiler, pre-processor added (mini) : #include 'file' - .CVC .CDH (.BMP future graphical extension) Directories requester box - [Make All] menu item to compile all *.cdl in a directory - New direct topics acces from [Help] menu - In compiler : ORDER stack (',' stack )* [';' statement ] - Global variable SCORE : integer that will be used eventualy to build a high-score table - Global variable TITLE : string that should contains the title of the game (will be in the title bar) and when you create an Icon it is added to the .BMP - Context Call to Stacks D1.Select(12); D1.CheckHand; t:=D2.Check(King); Changes - Options Dialog Box choices moved to Menu - Automatic Start upon game load from an Icon List Box - In compiler : ADD card_interval [ TO stack_dst [ stack_pos ]] you can now specify a position (stack_pos) to insert cards - In compiler : STACK A1, A2, ... ; to declare multiple stacks. - In compiler : WAIT time ; Inhibitive wait Bugs Corrected - In compiler : function test() ... , empty parameter list caused a segmentation fault - Overlap of stack type over didn't work - In langage, AA! if AA is function AA : stack, it didn't always work and it didn't really tell. - Flashing bug with stack of type over Quirks Adjusted - Stacks Redraw after wait - Some directories quirks corrected - Rules menu is grayed when not available - When closing a window with a game in progress, asks approbation Problems Spotted but still not corrected - Erasing problems in fireworks when menu opens =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Changes from 1.3a to 1.5a Additions - In pre-processor added : #define n #ifdef n #ifndef n #else #endif - In compiler : New type : GROUP syntax : '|' stack {',' stack} '|' lets you group many stacks together to be used with the WITH instruction - new direction in stack : lhorizontal, uvertical - graphical CARD handler object Changes - In compiler : WITH modified to accept the new group type WITH var DO statement FOR (stack | group) { ',' (stack | group) } - In compiler : const_expression now has the same (as long it is constant) syntax as expression - Underscore can now be used in identifiers - systems constant moved to system.cdh which is automatically included after the game header. Quirks Adjusted - Automatic indentation in editor window was anoying in certain occasion Bugs Corrected - Context call to methods was bugged - Found another bug in stack overlap (left and up) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Changes from 1.5a to 1.7a Additions Changes - In compiler : var_def ::= VAR var_elm (',' var_elm) ';' - In stack object : CARD is now HANDLER - card object is now CARDS - a method INIT is added to CARDS - In compiler : OBJECT_NAME proc_def SELF of proc_def becomes of type OBJECT_NAME - In compiler : you can now define new object - In compiler : random function - In compiler : GROUP can now be empty - cws.hlp version 1.7a Quirks Adjusted - Some type compatibility was not checked - Hourglass while starting a game Bugs Corrected =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Changes from 1.7a to 1.7g Additions - #define grid, draws the grid behind the playfield - (simple) Installation program Changes Quirks Adjusted - If a file is on the desktop, #include will take it there (with its recent modification) - EmptySpace now works correctly with stack with direction:=over Bugs Corrected - Clearing the right part of the icon list box when there is no scrollbar - added sync between directory and browse in directories menu - again, there was a bug in stack overlap redraw. Thanks to Jean-Pierre for finding that one. However, the solution slows the drawing down... - There was two bugs left in the automatic directory settings upon installation. Thanks to Bob Hanes for pointing that out. No thank to Jean-Pierre for his absent installation program...