Convert Version 1.0 A Unit Conversion Utility Copyright (c) Gries Toy Company 29 April 1992 Convert is a program to convert between various units (such as feet to meters or gallons to liters) in a particular dimension (such as length, volume, etc.). It was written in Visual Basic Ver 1.00 and therefore REQUIRES the presence of the VBRUN100.DLL library in your Windows directory in order to run. This is an upgrade to Convert version 0.8 and includes many more features and conversions. The following dimensions are now included: Mass, Length, Time, Speed, Temperature, Volume, Area, Force, Energy, and Power. In all, there are more than 80 units within the above dimensions making up over 750 possible conversions. Some other new features included in this version are: ùThe ability to display the converted number in either standard or scientific notation. ùThe ability to specify that the converted number be displayed with from 0 to 16 decimal places. ùThe ability to paste the results to the clipboard (e.g. "3 Pounds = 48 Ounces") ùThe capability to change the color schemes of the conversion forms. There is no help for the program as everything should be straightforward. The possible exceptions to this are AU - Astronomical Unit, and v/c - velocity (speed, to be precise) relative to the speed of light (v/c = 0.9 means 90% of the speed of light). The time value for a year was based on the ephemeris second of the tropical year 1900 January 0d 12h. If you don't understand the preceding sentence, then don't worry about it - it's not important. The furlongs per fortnight was included for those individuals who joke about such a unit and may have idly wondered how big it really is. Also, all variables in Convert are double precision, but the answer can only be as accurate as the original number. That is, all those digits don't mean anything if your original value was obtained with a wooden ruler. ***NOTES*** Convert has a default color scheme that bugs some people. Therefore, a command line switch is included to start the program with all white colors. Simply type "convrt10 w" in the Run selection under the File menu of Program Manager. When including Convert as a Program Item in one of your Program Groups, enter "convrt10 w" in the "Command Line:" box to start the program with all white colors. If the above is too much trouble, just click "options" and "colors" from within the program to change colors. Note that the color changes won't take effect until you actually hit the "convert" button. The box for displaying the result of conversions was sized based on displaying the number in scientific notation with 16 decimal places. Since you can specify standard notation (123,456,789,...,... ), very large numbers may overflow the display box. If this happens, click "Number Format", set scientific notation, and hit "convert" again [Any time you change the number format, you must click "convert" again for the changes to be displayed]. If you really want to see the number in standard notation, paste the result to the clipboard. When the clipboard is opened, you will be able to see the all the digits - over 300 in some cases! ****** This program is shareware; you are given a free three week trial period to determine if Convert is useful for your purposes. If you decide to keep the program, you must register it by sending $15.00 to the address at the end of this file. Users who register Convert version 0.8 (for a fee of $10) before 1 August 1992 will receive a free registered copy (i.e., sans intro screen) of version 1.0. You may freely distribute Convert as long as no fee is charged for it other than a nominal fee for the media (not to exceed $5.00). Convert is copyrighted software and as such may not be altered in any way, and must be distributed with all files intact. Convert consists of the following files: CONVRT10.EXE 88,918 bytes README.TXT 6,432 bytes If enough interest is generated by this utility, it may be expanded to include more conversions and features. Even if you decide not to keep Convert, please send me any comments, questions, gripes, or suggestions that you may have. I am especially interested in the discovery of any bugs or inaccuracies, and suggestions for features you would like to see in future versions. INTERNET: PRODIGY: ftnv47a AMERICA ONLINE: gries man Special thanks to Shannon Craddock for support, encouragement, and ideas. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Here it comes, the ------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL STUFF W A R R A N T Y Convert is provided AS IS without any warranty, express or implied. This includes without limitation the fitness for a particular purpose or application and any warranties of merchantability. While I tried to be as thorough as possible while debugging Convert, Gries Toy Company/Brian Gries shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special, or consequential arising from a failure of this program or accompanying files to operate in a manner desired by the user. Gries Toy Company/Brian Gries shall not be liable for any damage to data or property which may by caused directly or indirectly by use of this program. In no event will Gries Toy Company/Brian Gries be liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of your use or inability to use the program, or for any claim by any other party. In other words, I'm not responsible for anything. Nothing, zero, zip, zilch, the natural log of one, and the number of sentient beings in Congress. But I hope you enjoy it anyway. Convert is Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 by Gries Toy Company/Brian Gries 303 El Toro Blvd. Webster, TX 77598 (713) 280-0911 All Rights Reserved