TITLE: 950206 PS/2 9595 PENTIUM WITH 64MB RAM AND DISK ARRAY UNDER WARP SYMPTOMS: The DISK ARRAY is at level 5 with 6-2gb SCSI drives. Partitioned the drive C: 150mb and the rest as logical 10gb drive. Under OS/2 WARP, tried to format the logical partition, it reports only 3mb is available. Then FDISK reports the partition is unformatted. Note: This is after user formatted the logical drive which is suppose to be 10gb. RESOLUTION: User needs to upgrade the system Flash ROM and System BIOS level. Call IBM PC HELP at 919/517/1080 for more information. Suggested download the following files/images from IBM BBS at 919/517/0001: 1. RF90954A.DSK 2. RD9095A.DSK 3. LDF.COM 4. RAID162A.DSK 5. NEWRAID.DSK ( newer IBMRAID.ADD