TITLE: 941207 IPE 0160:FFFBA0FC - 000D:000680FC, 1163, 7019 ON DISK 1 INTERNAL REVISION 8.162 94/09/19 DESCRIPTION OF SYMPTOMS: Installing WARP on Disk #1 when the user replaced the IBMKBD.SYS with the size of 29525KB, will get the following IPE. *************** IPE 16/32-bit ************************* THE SYSTEM DETECTED AN INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR AT LOCATION # 0160:fffba0fc - 000d:000680fc 1163, 7019 048600b4 INTERNAL REVISION 8.162 94/09/19 *********** end IPE 16/32-bit ************************ RESOLUTION: User has downloaded the wrong IBMKBD.SYS file. The file should be 4677KB and dated 7/30/94. Note: this file is the temporarily fix for PJ16077