Welcome cooldude!
I've read most authors published their tips on how to
create hidden folders and came to use programs like
delphi or other c++ programs and the like. Here's my
I've read tips on how to create hidden folders (in
loose sense) using the crude yet effective DOS
program. However, it takes a lot of nerve to create
one. I tried it once,but not as simple as what i will
teach you. It's a kinda cool make one, coz it keeps
ur personal files away from your nasty kid brother.
Now press start button and go to the command prompt.
Make a directory with tthge following command line:
c:\> mkdir or md and place a space after and type
0255with alt key pressed (alt+0255)and viola! That's
Device a special character of your choice to add more
security to your file hidden . Try using other special
characters by simultaneously pressing alt key with
number keys (md+alt+ 3 number keys).
The one i've just made has the advantage over the
other tuts: it does not reveal/display the special
character used. Thus, computer wizs and weirdos will
find it a hard time figuring out accessing your files
(nice, huh?). I'm not saying it's infiltrable, i'm
saying it's jigsaw puzzle!
NOTE: to open the folder, go to the command prompt
and type the following command line: cd + space+ alt
key+numerical key, then hit enter. Do not forget the
number or you'll end up hacking (with a real ax, dude)
your computer without recovering your files!