Tutorial about Netbios

im not resoponsable blah blah blah the shit u know ...

while i'm reading the fourms on www.blackcode.com i found some 1 asking
about how 2 make a computer to share all his drive on netbios session.
So wen i probe into d comp u can view all content of the drive not juz
1 folder.

so i will show 2 u several ways u can use


so listen

if the share is on the boot drive (c:\ ,d:\ etc) u can put a trojan that
manege u 2 access all things that trojan does ( u know of course or go
and burn ur self )
so the q is how ???
1- u can make a file called autorun.inf and type on it
first line [autorun]
second line open=autoexec.bak.exe
save and close
make ur fevorit trojan and name it autoexec.bak.exe
copy the 2 files 2 the root directory of the victem
next time he open his partion the trojan will execute
have fun :))

2-again if u have access 2 the windows directory
u can edit his win.ini file u will find something like this
so u put ur trojan in the windows directory nad type
his name in the load or run (mmmm maybe it is run(i don't remember ))
save and exit
next time he open his partion the trojan will execute
have fun

a-if he had alerady a file called autorun.inf & there r a line (open=
anything.exe) u can add ur trojan name just like this
(open=anything.exe,urtrojanname) same as win.ini

b-dont 4get 2 remove ur trojan from the boot directory because he may
notic that (u may also make it hidden & have lucky ) or u can put it
on another location and put the location in the autorun.inf or win.ini
open=c:\program files\urtrojanname.exe

ok ok
i heare u ... all u see is a shared folder
there is a way but it depend on how much u know about this user
u can put ur trojan in the shared folder & name it any name that make
the victem open it ( depend on how much u know about this user ) like
plzf!!kmenow.exe :)))))))
g00d luck

