Back Door Infecting Guide

This Guide Will Explain You How To Infect ppl by icq Step by Step
ReaD the fuckin notes ! section 5
Made For
1.Get yourself a good Backdoor trojan a/v undetected
Option 1

You can do it in the l33t way (program your own Backdoor)

+A/V Undetected
+You can make your own features

-Can take some time
-You must know programing
Option 2
You can do it in the lame way (Download A Backdoor from the net)
Note: if you do so download some new trojan that is still A/V undetected

+"Can" be A/V undetected (Until The A/V update will detect it)
+Saves the programing time

-LAME ! (Make your own trojan !)
-"Can" be A/V undetected - "Can" be not !
-I don't support this method

2.Find A Victim
Option 1 - Male Victim
Register a new icq number
First Name - Write some chick name (sexy name is good)
Last Name - Write Some Last name
Nick Name - Write Some thing like BBlonde (if asked Stands for beatiful blonde)
Email - You can write something like
Location - What ever you want as long it is location
Work - Don't Write anything
Gender - Write female
Age - Write the victim Age
Language - write down the languages you know Or the languages that you wanna make the victim think you know
Homepage - I recommend to write nothing
About - Write that you are a very beatiful blonde... Make him think you are beatiful and make him want to have your photo
Interests - You "can" write that you like to model (he may not believe you)

Now after you registered the icq number you are ready to start talking with the
victim (unless you need authorization (if so then get icq crack))
Start talking with the Victim
Make Him think you are beatiful - He Should Ask for photo
So don't tell him if he want your photo BUT if you talk with him much and he dosn't
asks for the photo, then ask him if he got (let him send - then if he still aren't askin, ask him if he want yours)

In the point that you need to send him the photo, say him that it is a album of your pictures and that's why it is in exe file
he should say it's ok, send the backdoor, he says it dosn't work say him something like : i think my little brother messed with the prog, sorry
Now you have the Axx

This Method Worked for me in 13 from 14 try's (In the time it didn't work the mother fuck had a fire wall)

+ = he can ask
/ = else

Jennifer: hi
Ugly Arab: hi
Jennifer: What's up?
Ugly Arab: fine, you?
Jennifer: ok
+Ugly Arab: How did you find me?
=+Jennifer: In icq white pages
Jennifer: what is your hobbies?
Ugly Arab: Sucking israeli dicks and etc.
Ugly Arab: do you have a photo?
/Jennifer: how do u look?
/Ugly Arab: im looking like a pure sperm and etc.
/Jennifer: do you have a photo?
//Ugly Arab: Yes, U?
//Jennifer: send it, i have it is in exe file (it's a photo album)
//Ugly Arab: send it
/Ugly Arab: No, U?
Jennifer: yes, but it is in exe (it's a photo album)
Ugly Arab: send it

Note: Im Not racist But I hate Arabs

Option 2 - Female Victim
Note: The Infecting a Male Victim is more easy than female
Register a new icq number
First Name - Write guy name (sexy name is good)
Last Name - Write Some Last name
Nick Name - Write Some thing like: The Perfect One
Email - You can write something like
Location - What ever you want as long it is location
Work - Don't Write anything
Gender - Write Male
Age - Write the victim Age
Language - write down the languages you know Or the languages that you wanna make the victim think you know
Homepage - I recommend to write nothing
About - Write that you are a cool handsome guy, you like surfing and sport
Interests - Write that you are model (there is a chance that she may not beleive you)

Now after you registered the icq number you are ready to start talking with the
victim (unless you need authorization (if so then get icq crack))
Start to talking to the victim
Let her think your some cool guy that have a wondrful life talk with her alittle
and then ask her for a photo, she will ask you too - if she got let her send
tell her you got a album of pictures it is in some kickass program that your gonna send her
she should accept if you convince her right
now send her the backdoor, she will say it isn't working, say you don't know why
you don't know computers very well
that's it you got axx
No Example - Sorry i don't have power ( i wanna sleep ! ! ! !)

3.After doing what ever you wanted to do inside of the computer destroy the Server in the computer

4.Exit (and search for the next victim ! HEHE !)

5.Notes :
1.Always be nice to the victim
2.You don't know a shit about computers when you talk to the victim
3.Choose some nice icon for the server file and change his name to album.exe
4.If you hate the victim after infecting him and finished taking care about his computer
you can laugh on him ( I Recommend this one )
5.If you hate (I mean Very very much) Install a CIH virus on his computer and change the date to 4/26 and restart his computer
6.If the A/V didn't detected you disable the A/V anyway ! (For Extra fun like 5)
7.there is alot of diffrent ways to send the backdoor but i think this one is the best


By Master Z - icq: 94442602
Made For