Description: Netguard will sit in your Windows system tray and monitor popular trojan ports for connection attempts. When a connection is made, the detected IP is traced and optionally logged to a file on your hard drive.
Description: Combines Trojan and Virus scanning with intrusion detection that can help pinpoint an attacker's ISP for reporting to authorities. Also monitors the Windows System directory for any unauthorized changes initiated by hostile programs.
Description: A powerful scanner that searches for activity from NetBus and other Trojan horses. It can remove these programs and even send a message to the user controlling them.
Description: Int_13h presents the First Netbus Pro Cracker. What it does? It cracks the Netbus Pro Server in a such way that it doesn't write logs anymore. Thanks to CF's stupid Logging Implentation this crack works for ALL Versions of Netbus Pro including Beta Versions AND probably any future versions of NetbusPro. Basically it's a ByteHunter basing on the Codefusion application.