sirtet2 ------- It's a tetris(tm) clone. When you start, a dialog box appears and lets you c= hoose=20 starting level and number of "lines", it also lets you play a saved game. A menu comes up that lets you pick from some pic varibles, if you have an= y. =20 I couldn't figure out how to email the pics, but the user could easily cr= eate=20 new ones, they need to be 6 by 6 pixels in size (13 bytes each) Then the program creates the pictures for play. You can delete them if y= ou want when you quit. During play:=20 F1 to rotate counterclockwise F5 to rotate clockwise Left and right arrows to move the shape down arrow to drop shape ESC key to pause, which then you can quit, continue, or quit and save, or= press=20 diamond-ON to turn the calculator off, and then continue latter. the global vars used are: cbx,cby,srn,csn,tes ( deleted when you quit ) tes1,tes2,tes3,tes4,tes5,tes6,tes7,tes8,tes9 ( optional pic vars) tetscr,tetlvl,brd ( these are used to save the game ) tbplyr ( top player score and name saved here--string var= ) i also sent the program as an attached enclosure, whatever is easier... and here it is... all 4989 bytes I called it Sirtet (tetris backwards) () Prgm Local a,b,c,e,k,x,y,ty1,tx1,ty,fch,ns,dlns,idg,trcl,tby,tbx,ndl,drwshp,ge= tshp Define drwshp(x,y)=3DPrgm Local b If y<17 Then XorPic #("ts"&string(csn+7*srn)),97-6*y,6*x Else For b,1,4 If y+cby[b]<18 XorPic tes,103-(y+int(cby[b]))*6,12+6*(x+int(cbx[b])) EndFor EndIf EndPrgm Define getshp(s)=3DPrgm If s=3D1 or s=3D2 Then {.5,=D0.5,=D0.5,=D0.5}*sign(s=D01.5)=03cbx {=D0.5,1.5,.5,=D0.5}=03cby ElseIf s=3D3 or s=3D4 Then {=D0.5,=D0.5,.5,.5}=03cbx {1,0,0,=D01}*sign(s-3.5)=03cby ElseIf s=3D5 Then {0,0,0,0}=03cbx {1.5,.5,=D0.5,=D01.5}=03cby ElseIf s=3D6 Then {0,0,0,1}=03cbx {1,0,=D01,0}=03cby ElseIf s=3D7 Then {.5,.5,=D0.5,=D0.5}=03cbx {=D0.5,.5,.5,=D0.5}=03cby EndIf EndPrgm If getType(tbplyr)=AD"STR" "10 "=03tbplyr setMode("Split Screen","Full") PlotsOff FnOff 1=03xmin 2=03xmax 1=03ymin 2=03ymax 0=03xscl 0=03yscl ClrDraw PxlVert 0 PxlVert 5 PxlHorz 0 PxlHorz 5 If getType(tes)=AD"PIC" StoPic tes,0,0,6,6 ClrDraw StoPic trcl,1,1,60,6 1=03a:1=03b:4=03c Lbl ret 1=03y Dialog Title "Sirtet 1.0 by G. Anderson" Text "Top Score: "&tetplyr Text "Press ESC to quit, not ON!" DropDown "Games",{"New","Continue"},b DropDown "Lines",seq(string(x),x,0,10),c DropDown "Level",seq(string(x),x,1,6),y Text "email:" EndDlog If ok=3D0 : Stop If b=3D2 Then If getType(brd)=3D"MAT" Then Goto gst Else Text "There is no saved game" Goto ret EndIf EndIf 0=03tetscr y=03tetlvl newMat(10,20)=03brd c-1=03c For x,1,c*6 1=03brd[rand(10),rand(c)] EndFor Lbl gst If getType(ts24)=AD"PIC" Then newList(10)=03y 1=03y[1] PxlText "Choose block pic:",1,60 PxlText "default",10,70 For x,1,9 PxlText "tes"&string(x),10+9*x,70 If getType(#("tes"&string(x)))=3D"PIC" Then RplcPic #("tes"&string(x)),10+9*x,100 1=03y[x+1] Else PxlText "-no pic var",10+9*x,100 EndIf EndFor 1=03x PxlText "=05",x*9+1,60 Loop getKey()=03k If k=3D338 or k=3D344 Then PxlText " ",x*9+1,60 x+when(k=3D344),1,=D11)=03x If x<1:10=03x If x>10:1=03x PxlText "=05",x*9+1,60 ElseIf k=3D13 and y[x]=3D1 Then If x>1 CopyVar #("tes"&string(x-1)),tes Exit EndIf EndLoop ClrDraw For x,1,7 PxlText "Making Pics...",16,20 getshp(x) For y,1,4 For b,1,4 XorPic tes,103-(10+int(cby[b]))*6,5+6*(1+6*y+int(cbx[b])) EndFor StoPic #("ts"&string(x+7*y)),37,36*y-1,24,24 cbx=03tbx cby=03cbx =D0tbx=03cby EndFor ClrDraw EndFor EndIf PxlVert 17 PxlVert 78 For x,1,10 For y,1,17 If brd[x,y]=3D1 RclPic tes,103-y*6,12+6*x EndFor EndFor PxlText "Level:",20,98 PxlText string(tetlvl),30,104 PxlText "Score:",40,98 PxlText "Next Shape:",60,98 rand(7)=03ns getshp(ns) ns=03csn 1=03srn drwshp(18,4) Lbl bgn {0,0,0,0}=03dlns 0=03ndl For y,1,18 For x,1,10 If brd[x,y]=3D0 Goto spc EndFor ndl+1=03ndl y=03dlns[ndl] If y=3D1 Then submat(brd,1,2,10,20)=03brd Else augment(subMat(brd,1,1,10,y-1),submat(brd,1,y+1,10,20))=03brd EndIf augment(brd,newMat(10,1))=03brd y-1=03y Lbl spc EndFor If ndl>0 Then tetscr+10*ndl^2=03tetscr For y,dlns[1],17 RpclPic trcl,103-6*y,18 For x,1,10 If brd[x,y]=3D1 RplcPic tes,103-6*y,12+6*x EndFor EndFor EndIf For x,1,10 If brd[x,18]=3D1 Then Text "Sorry dude, Game Over" If tetscr>expr(left(tbplyr,inString(tbplyr," "))) Then Lbl vv Dialog Text "You made a new high score!" Request "Name",a Text " (2 to 16 length)" EndDlog If dim(a)>16 or dim(a)<2 Goto vv string(tetscr)&" "&a=03tbplyr EndIf Goto ddone EndIf EndFor PxlText string(tetscr),50,104 If tetscr>tetlvl*200 Then tetlvl+1=03tetlvl Text "Next Level: "&string(tetlvl) PxlText string(tetlvl),30,104 EndIf 7-tetlvl=03idg If idg<1:1=03idg 1=03srn ns=03b rand(7)=03ns ns=03csn getshp(ns) drwshp(18,4) b=03csn getshp(csn) drwshp(18,4) 5=03x : 17=03y drwshp(x,y) getkey() Loop For c,1,idg getkey()=03k If k=3D340 or k=3D337 Then when(k=3D337,=D01,1)=03c x+c=03x If k=3D337 Then If min(cbx+x)<1 Goto aa Else If max(cbx+x)>10.9 Goto aa EndIf For b,1,4 If brd[x+int(cbx[b]),y+int(cby[b])]=3D1 Goto aa EndFor drwshp(x-c,y) drwshp(x,y) Cycle Lbl aa x-c=03x ElseIf k=3D268 or k=3D272 Then If k=3D272 Then cby=03tbx =D0cbx=03tby when(srn=3D4,1,srn+1)=03a Else cbx=03tby =D0cby=03tbx when(srn=3D1,4,srn-1)=03a EndIf For b,1,4 x+int(tbx[b])=03tx1 y+int(tby[b])=03ty1 If tx1>10 or tx1<1 or ty1<1 Goto cc If brd[tx1,ty1]=3D1 Goto cc EndFor drwshp(x,y) a=03srn tby=03cby tbx=03cbx drwshp(x,y) Lbl cc ElseIf k=3D344 Then y=03ty Loop y-1=03y For b,1,4 If y+int(cby[b])<1 Goto pp If brd[x+int(cbx[b]),y+int(cby[b])]=3D1 Goto pp EndFor drwshp(x,y+1) drwshp(x,y) EndLoop Lbl pp y+1=03y For b,1,4 1=03brd[x+int(cbx[b]),y+int(cby[b])] EndFor tetscr+1=03tetscr Goto bgn ElseIf k=3D264 Then Toolbar Title "Continue",cnt Title "Quit",ddone Title "Quit & Save",dsv EndTBar Lbl cnt EndIf EndFor y-1=03y For b,1,4 If y+cby[b]<1 Goto ee If brd[x+int(cbx[b]),y+int(cby[b])]=3D1 Goto ee EndFor drwshp(x,y+1) drwshp(x,y) Cycle Lbl ee For b,1,4 1=03brd[x+int(cbx[b]),y+int(cby[b])] EndFor tetscr+1=03tetscr Goto bgn EndLoop Lbl ddone DelVar brd,tetscr,tetlvl Lbl dsv Dialog Text "Do you want to delete pics?" Text "mem freed=3D2212 bytes" Text "Enter=3Dyes; ESC=3Dno" EndDlog If ok=3D1 Then DelVar tes For a,8,35 DelVar #("ts"&string(a)) EndFor EndIf Delvar cbx,cby,srn,csn EndPrgm