Professional Menu System v1.6 Professional Menu System v1.6 I. INTRODUCTION Thank you for trying my menu program. I was thinking about writing a program like this for awhile now so I decided to give it my best shot. It is basically the same concept of Windows 3.x Program Manager, etc... I took much care in designing it because I wanted it to do as much as possable but also be easy to use, small, and efficient. II. HOW TO USE The program should be pretty self explanitory but here is a brief overview. The main program file is "PMS()" and should be in your "PMS" Path. After running it you will be presented with two menus. The top one is a list of program groups (they have nothing to do with the different paths). At the bottom of this list is "Add New Group" so you can add a group to the list (Note: When you select "Add New Group" it doesn't matter what the bottom menu says). The Bottom menu is what action you want to preform on the currently selected group - You can switch to a new group, edit a group title, or delete a group. After you switch to a group you are then presented with two more menus (Press "ESC" to go back to the previous menu). The top menu is the list of programs in the current group and the bottom is the action you want to preform on the selected program. The program list is basically the same as the group list. There actions you can preform are as follows: You can run a program, view a detailed program information screen, edit the information, move a program to a different path, delete a program from the current group, and uninstall a program which removes it from the current group and also deletes it from your calculator. III. AUTO-INSTALL FEATURE There is an auto-install feature that will let programmers have their programs added to my menu automatically (you only have to select the destination group). The setup file is named "PMS\PMSETUP1" and I chose this name so you would be able to copy more than one program over at once by just changing the number 1 to a number from 1 to 9 (there can be numbers missing inbetween). This setup file is a matrix that has 10 columns and as many rows as you need. THERE CAN NOT BE ANY EXTRA COLUMNS OR ROWS. The first row of the matrix must contain the following information ["PRGM", path, program(), program title, program version, date completed, programmer, E-mail address, www site, ftp site]. All the following lines contain the names of the programs that are neccessary for the program to function (You don't need to put the main program name that is in the first row in any of the other rows). ANY MATRIX CELLS THAT ARE TO BE BLANK MUST NOT CONTAIN A ZERO! THEY SHOULD CONTAIN TWO DOUBLE QUOTES WHICH IS A NULL-STRING. Here is a sample matrix for my Blackjack program, [["PRGM","GAMES","BJACK()","Blackjack","1.8","4/10/96","Jeff Altman", "","",""]["DECK", "DRAWCARD","EDITCARD","","","","","","",""]] When a program is moved then all the files that are included in here are moved to the new directory. It makes it easy when you have more than one program in a directory and there are a lot of files to keep track of. When a program is uninstalled then all these files are removed from your calculator. IV. PROGRAM FILES The group file (PMS??.92G) containes 2 neccessary program-related files, they are PMS (Program) and QUIT (Program). You can delete any of the other files, print them out, or whatever. V. CONTENTS OF PMS??.92G *PMS.92P - The Main Program *QUIT.92P - A Program Add-on VI. UPGRADES To upgrade just delete all the current PMS files and install the new version. Altman's Programs & Stuff - 4/15/96 I. INTRODUCTION Thank you for trying my programs. I hope you find them useful, easy to use, fun, fast, and efficient. I know I'm not the best programmer in the world but I am always trying to improve. I beleve that a program can always be improved upon in some way and they are never truly finished. If you have any suggestions, notice any bugs, or have any ideas please E-mail me because I would really like to hear from you. I have been programming in various versions of basic for a few years and enjoy programming very much... I really like trying to improve programs. II. Available Programs FILE COMPLETED TITLE BJACK18.92G 04/10/96 Blackjack v1.8 CALGEN11.92G 04/09/96 Calendar Generator v1.1 GETKEY10.92G 04/09/96 getKey Key Codes v1.0 HILOW10.92G 04/09/96 High-Low Guessing Game v1.0 PMS16.92G 04/15/96 Professional Menu System v1.6 TRIANG03.92G 04/10/96 Triangle Wizard v0.3 III. UPDATES, PROBLEMS, IDEAS I am always trying to improve my programs so please give me any suggestions if you have any. I don't have a WWW page so if you would post this program on your TI-92 WWW page or ftp site for me I would really appreciate it (please notify me so I can keep you up to date). Just send me the http or ftp address that it will be on so I can add it to the following list. You can currently get my programs from the following places...