TABLE-85 Table is a program that does tables for the TI 85. It will do rectangular and polar coordinates and is very similar to the 82 table module. ----begin documentation---- Instructions for Table 1.10 Program for the TI-85 Calculator Section I Legal Terms This program is released under the GNU Public License, which basically says: 1.) You may distribute this program freely, but only for free. 2.) You may change the program as you like, but you may not re-release it without stating that it was changed. 3.) There is no warranty on this software. It is strictly use at your own risk. For more information on the GNU Public License, see the Appendix. Section II Installation You should have received the program in the form of two files, TABLE and TABLEDEF. The TABLE program should be run under normal circumstances. TABLEDEF is the installation/defaults program. To install Table 1.10, execute the TABLEDEF program. It will set all the necessary variables for the program to run. Basically, it sets equations y13 and r13 to 0, and adds a few of the variables that store the setup information for the program. For this program to work, all of these variables must be present. Therefore, if the program starts complaining that it cannot locate a variable, simply run TABLEDEF again and that should solve the problem. After you run TABLEDEF, hit enter, and you will automatically launch the TABLE program. Section III The Main Menu The main menu screen will display a line along the very top and a line along the very bottom. The equation at the top is the current equation that will be graphed. As of now, there is no way to change which equation it automatically loads without editing the program source. Along the bottom is the list of options that you may select. They are: Chart - This will display a chart of the current equation (Section V). Plug - Selecting this will allow you to plug a value in to the equation. Edit - This allows you to enter a new function to chart (Section VI). Setup - This changes the settings of Table (Section IV). Quit - Pressing quit will leave the program. You can select the option that you wish to choose by pressing the function keys along the top of the TI-85 keypad. Section IV Configuring Table 1.10 Selecting F4 from the main menu will take you to the three-part configuration menu of Table. Each value has a number, and pressing the number on the keypad will allow you to manipulate its corresponding value. Simply press the number, and the calculator will act (i.e. you do not need to press enter.) The options are: Mode - This function will allow you to choose what graphing mode you wish to chart (rectangular or polar). This setting will display Rect for rectangular mode and Pol for polar graphing. It physically changes the setting found under the [MODE] button of the calculator, so its display represents the setting for all functions in the calculator. This means that if you change it to polar mode and then exit the program, you will still be in polar graph mode. To change the current mode from the setup screen, press 1 and it will toggle the value between polar and rectangular. Start - This value is the starting position of the table. When you press 2, it asks you for a new starting position. The starting position will be the first value when you select F1 from the main menu. You may wish to change this value if you want to start at an unusually high or low number, so you won't have to scroll through the chart as much. When you have entered a number, press enter, and you will be returned to the setup screen. D Table - This value determines the 'distance' between values on the chart. For counting numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) this value should be 1. For angle measurements, this might be 15 (degrees) or p/6 (radians). After entering a value, the enter key will return you to the setup menu. If you set this value to a negative number, the chart will display from highest to lowest. Back - This function will return you to the main menu. Section V Charts When you select chart, you will be given a chart, beginning with the value determined by the start variable in the setup, and incrementing by the D table variable. The chart is divided in to two columns, f (or q) and f(x) (or r). The program will detect which mode and display the appropriate variable at the top of the chart. The chart displays 6 values at a time, and is separated by "I"s down the middle. The numbers in the chart are fixed to three decimal places, and will automatically switch to scientific notation. This is to avoid one side of the chart overlapping the other side. If three decimals aren't sufficient, the source may be modified. (Modifying the source, however, is beyond the scope of this document.) The options in the chart section are as follows: Next - This option moves the chart down six spots by the increment defined in the setup menu. Previous - This option moves the chart up six spots by the increment defined in the setup menu. Start, D Tbl - These options correspond to the Start and D Table options in the setup menu (Section IV). They are provided as a short cut. Back - This will take you back to the main menu. Section VI Editing Equations from the Main Menu While the y13 and r13 equations may be modified from the [GRAPH] selection, the ability to edit them in this program has been included for convenience. Equations aren't covered in this document, but there are special techniques that must be used when editing equations from Table 1.1. Rectangular Equations - Entering a rectangular equation is exactly the same as it is in the normal equation editor, except that the x-variable is not accessible from the function keys. To use the x variable, press the [x-VAR] button. All other functions (tan, log, etc.) work as usual. Polar Graphing - Entering a polar equation can be tricky, since the theta key is not readily accessible. To select the theta variable, press the [2nd] key, then the 0 button, to access the [CHAR] menu. From there, choose GREEK, and then press [MORE] once. The theta character is accessed by pressing the F2 button. Once again, all other functions work as usual for equation editing. Section VII Known Problems The major problem with this table program is that the table will halt whenever an undefined value occurs. There is no way to correct this problem, as it lies in the calculator itself; however, there are a few ways to work around it. This simplest method is to simply avoid values that will cause the calculator to break (such as log 0, tan 90, 1/0, etc.) by manipulating the start and D table variables. The other way for working around this is to add a small number to the initial value- a number small enough that it won't affect the value within the thousandth decimal place. For example, 0.0 will cause the function 1/x to break out of the program, but 0.000001 will not, and it is small enough that it will not make a difference on the chart. Appendix This program was written in 1996 by Nicholas Fitzkee (York Suburban High School, class of '97). Email questions or comments to The complete version of the GNU Public License may be viewed at ----end documentation---- ----begin ASCII---- \START\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 01/22/97, 15:31 \NAME=TABLE \FILE=table.85P Lbl start ClLCD If \UC-Omega\gmode==0:Then:Outpt(1,1,"y13="):\Eq>St\(y13,\UC-Omega\eq):\#\ Outpt(1,5,\UC-Omega\eq):Func:Else:Outpt(1,1,"r13="):\Eq>St\(r13,\UC-Omega\\#\ eq):Outpt(1,5,\UC-Omega\eq):Pol:End Menu(1,"Chart",chart,2,"Plug",plug,3,"Edit",edit,4,"Setup",setup,5,"Qui\#\ t",quit) Lbl setup ClLCD Disp "1. Mode:" If \UC-Omega\gmode==0:Then:Outpt(1,10,"Rect"):Else:Outpt(1,10,"Pol"):En\#\ d Disp "2. Start:" Outpt(2,11,\UC-Omega\ini) Disp "3. \UC-Delta\ Tbl:" Outpt(3,11,\UC-Omega\inc) Disp "4. Back" Outpt(8,1,"Selection?") Lbl insetup 0\->\\UC-Omega\menu While \UC-Omega\menu==0:getKy\->\\UC-Omega\menu:End If \UC-Omega\menu==92:Then:If \UC-Omega\gmode==1:Then:0\->\\UC-Omega\gm\#\ ode:Else:1\->\\UC-Omega\gmode:End:Goto setup:End If \UC-Omega\menu==93:Then:ClLCD:Disp "Enter new start:":Input ("Start:\#\ ",\UC-Omega\ini):Goto setup:End If \UC-Omega\menu==94:Then:ClLCD:Disp "Enter new inc:":Input "\UC-Delta\\#\ Tbl:",\UC-Omega\inc:Goto setup:End If \UC-Omega\menu==82:Then:Goto start:End Goto insetup Lbl edit ClLCD If \UC-Omega\gmode==0:Then:InpST "y13=",\UC-Omega\eq:\St>Eq\(\UC-Omega\\#\ eq,y13):Else:InpST "r13=",\UC-Omega\eq:\St>Eq\(\UC-Omega\eq,r13):End Goto start Lbl plug ClLCD If \UC-Omega\gmode==0:Then:Input "x=",\UC-Omega\sol:Disp "y=":evalF(y13\#\ ,x,\UC-Omega\sol)\->\\UC-Omega\ans:Disp \UC-Omega\ans:Pause Else:Input "\LC-theta\=",\UC-Omega\sol:Disp "r=":evalF(r13,\LC-theta\,\UC-Omega\\#\ sol)\->\\UC-Omega\ans:Disp \UC-Omega\ans:Pause :End Goto start Lbl chart \UC-Omega\ini\->\\UC-Omega\sol Lbl dchart ClLCD If \UC-Omega\gmode==0:Then:Disp " x I f(x)":Else:Disp " \LC-theta\\#\ I r":End For(\UC-Omega\,1,6) If (fPart abs (\UC-Omega\sol)\>=\1\E\\(-)\12 and fPart abs (\UC-Omega\s\#\ ol)<.001) or (iPart abs (\UC-Omega\sol)\>=\1000):Then:Fix 3:Sci:Else:No\#\ rmal:Fix 3:End Outpt(\UC-Omega\+1,2,\UC-Omega\sol) Float:Normal If \UC-Omega\gmode==0:Then:evalF(y13,x,\UC-Omega\sol)\->\\UC-Omega\ans:\#\ Else:evalF(r13,\LC-theta\,\UC-Omega\sol)\->\\UC-Omega\ans:End If (fPart abs (\UC-Omega\ans)\>=\1\E\\(-)\12 and fPart abs (\UC-Omega\a\#\ ns)<.001) or (iPart abs (\UC-Omega\ans)\>=\1000):Then:Fix 3:Sci:Else:No\#\ rmal:Fix 3:End Outpt(\UC-Omega\+1,11,"I") Outpt(\UC-Omega\+1,13,\UC-Omega\ans) \UC-Omega\inc+\UC-Omega\sol\->\\UC-Omega\sol End Normal:Float Menu(1,"Next",dchart,2,"Prev",prev,3,"Start",ini,4,"\UC-Delta\ Tbl",inc\#\ ,5,"Back",start) Lbl prev \UC-Omega\sol-12*\UC-Omega\inc\->\\UC-Omega\sol Goto dchart Lbl ini ClLCD Input "Start=",\UC-Omega\ini Goto chart Lbl inc ClLCD Input "\UC-Delta\ Tbl=",\UC-Omega\inc Goto chart Lbl quit ClLCD Disp "Version 1.10" Stop \STOP\ \START\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 01/22/97, 15:32 \NAME=TBLDEF \FILE=tabledef.85P 0\->\\UC-Omega\ini 1\->\\UC-Omega\inc 0\->\\UC-Omega\gmode r13=0 y13=0 ClLCD Disp "Version 1.10" Disp "---------------------" Disp "Released under GNU" Disp "Public License" Disp "" Outpt(8,1,"Ready to run..." Pause TABLE \STOP\ ----end ASCII----