Table is a table program written by to emulate the ti-82's table function on an 85. Although there are many different table programs on the internet, this table program is faster, and has more functionality than the rest (IMHO). When the program runs, you will be presented w/ a menu of 3 choices; func for functions, param for parametric functions, and help for help. In the func mode, you will be asked how many equations you want, since one of the features is multiple equations, you input a number, and the other information, and it will put out a matrix. The thing to remember about this program is the top line from left to right is NOT the first values of the matrix, but it the number of the equation, so, when you run 3 different equations as the same time, the top row would be: [[0 1 2 3] 0 represents the X-values for the table.