Are you tired of wasting trees because you have to play tic-tac-toe on paper? Well, now you needn't draw that grid again because you have tic-tac-toe for the TI-85. Shadow Software TI-Tac-Toe v1.1 for the TI-85 calculator Copyright Shadow Software 1994 Thursday, April 14, 1994 Overview -------- Are you tired of wasting tree because you have to play tic-tac-toe on paper? Well, now you needn't draw that grid again because you have tic-tac-toe for the TI-85. This program is self contained except for a sub program that comes with it. Installation ------------ You need to get the programs onto your calculator be that through the Link-85 software or through typing the ASCII versions in. (I pity the people that have to do the latter.) When the programs are on your calculator you should have one named SHDWTOE and one named SSTIC. SSTIC is a sub program that SHDWTOE calls. SHDWTOE is entirely self contained; it requires no installation, save putting the program and sub program onto the calculator (through the use of the TI Graph-Link software). Note: nearly all current Shadow Software programs require no separate installer application due to the use of SelfInstall technology First Impression ---------------- After you have installed SHDWTOE, run it. You will be presented with a main menu. To find out what keys to press you can press F4 (Help). This should give you the information you need to play in case you forget. Press F3 to see some information on the authors (About). Press F5 to quit (Quit). To set the players' names you should choose F2 (Pref). Last but not least press F1 to play the game (Start). Playing Tic-Tac-Toe ------------------- SHDWTOE is a two player game. There is no computer to play against (yet). After you have pressed F3 and entered the X and O players' names (These names will be truncated to ten characters if they happen to be longer.), press F1 to start the game on the main menu. After you enter the names, the Tic-Tac-Toe board will be drawn. You will then see a blinking cursor in the middle of the grid and the person's name who is X's will be at the bottom of the screen. Use the arrow keys to move around the grid and then press enter when you want to place an X. The name will then change at the bottom of the screen to the O player. The second player then can place their O in the same way as the first player. Turns alternate like this through the game. If either player presses enter on an already occupied space they will be notified at the bottom of the screen. There is also an alternative way of choosing spots. The numeric keys (1-9) correspond to the spaces on the playing field. If you press the three key, then you will place your X or O in the bottom right spot unless an X or O is already there. If any player should get board and want to quit, they can just press the EXIT key on the calculator. The a menu will come up asking the player if he/she really want's to end the game. Press F1 (Yes) if you really do and F2 (No) if you have changed your mind. Winning ------- The game is one when either player gets 3 X's or O's horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. If neither player succeeds in this but the board gets filled up with X's and O's, (no blank spaces show) then the game is a draw otherwise known as a cats game. Anyway, when the game is over, you will be told who won. After you press enter, you will be asked if you want to play again, if you do, choose yes if you don't, choose no. If you choose no, then you will be taken back to the main menu. If you do choose yes, the X player will now be the O player and visa versa. (Players alternate who goes first each game.) Distribution ------------ This program may be distributed anywhere, including but not limited to, Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs), Online services, friends, relatives, and neighbors, but it must include either the electronic version or a printout of this file and all other program files that came in this archive. Since this is freeware, you may distribute this only to places that are free, or only charge for the connection time: you may not sell this product. For unusual distribution circumstances, please contact Shadow Software to learn the exact details. Copyright Notice ---------------- This program is freeware. If you like it, Shadow Software asks that you pass it on to others, or upload any and all of your own personal TI programs in return. Upon request, Shadow Software will send you a free catalog of all our freeware, shareware, and commercial software for the TI family of calculators. For helpful surveying, please include what type of machine you are running (i.e. IBM with DOS, IBM with Windows, Macintosh, or PowerPC Macintosh) and if you own the TI-GRAPH LINK software or Link85 software. If you have any suggestions, bugs, ideas, quips, quibbles, or anything else please contact us at one of the addresses below in the contact information section. Version History --------------- v1.1-Added alternating players feature for fairness. -Moved the entry of player names to a preferences menu so the users don't have to type their names in each time they play. -Added counting feature to keep track of the number of games played. -Made numeric keys correspond to the playing field for quicker play. -Updated on-line help to include information on the previous feature. -Fixed truncating bug with player's names. v1.0-First release. Contact Information ------------------- For a catalog of our programs, you can contact us at any of this places: Contacting Shadow Software electronically America Online: ShdwSoftwr Internet: Contacting Shadow Software conventionally (snail mail) Shadow Software 342 Eastmoor SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546-2227 United States of America Contacting Shadow Software by telephone Brent: 453-9596 Vance: 942-8607 This program and its documentation are copyrighted 1994 Shadow Software.