*************************** * SAVER.85G for the TI-85 * *************************** ACKNOWLEDGMENT SAVER.85G is a group file containing SAVER.85P and RESTORE.85P. These programs were written by Pat Hatcher of the TI Graphics Team and are released to the public domain. You may copy and change them. INTRODUCTION SAVER.85P and RESTORE.85P are in the group SAVER.85G. Many programs, such as those on this disk, change the values of the RANGE variables and other system variables, use common graphing equations, such as y1 and y2, or make use of nondefault MODE and FORMT settings. SAVER and RESTORE are an easy way to save all current graph databases and the user zoom and tolerance variable values and then restore them and reset the MODE settings to the defaults. HOW TO USE SAVER AND RESTORE Run SAVER before running a program. Run RESTORE after you have finished examining the results of a program, such as a graph. Note: You may include SAVER as a subroutine by typing the name as the first line of a program, but if you do, remember to run RESTORE before running the program again or you will be saving the settings from the program instead. The programs work by saving a graph database for each graphing mode, and then restoring each. It also saves the user zoom values and the values of delta and tol and resets all modes to the defaults. If you normally use a nondefault mode, such as Degree or Fix 2, simply edit RESTORE for your preferences. All items created by SAVER begin with "my" to make them easy to delete to free up memory later.