This is a revision of the GTXT program that comes with the LINK85 software. Allows use of ALL characters taking approx half the memory of the original. Original code modified by Mark D. Oesterling This is a group file including the program GTXT, the string GFONT, and the list GCODE. It does the same thing as the original program with one-half the memory requirements. The memory reduction was accomplished by storing the character data as bitmaps. If you wish to add a character, you can do so. The arrangement of GFONT and GCODE are as such: GFONT is a string that is used to return the ordinal of the bitmap. Currently A is the first character of the string thus it's bitmap is the first integer in the GCODE list. Note: The bitmap does not necessarily have to be the letter A, when you type the text at the program prompt, it searches the GFONT string to determine the ordinal of the bitmap. If the bitmap is defined to produce a heart, then A in the prompt will produce a heart on the plot. GCODE is a list of integers mapping that characters in the string. They are of the form: UVVWWXXYYZZ U is the number of columns in the character map (max 5) and the other values are the binary representations of the columns. As an example, consider the letter W. |12345 The letter is 5 coulumns wide so U = 5. -+----- The first column has a dot (X) in every position 1|X X so VV = 1+2+4+8+16 = 31. 2|X X The second column has a dot (X) in the 8 position 4|X X X so WW = 08. NOTE: The single digit codes must be 8|XX XX preceded by a 0 for the program to work properly!!! 16|X X Continuing this process, XX = 04, YY = 08, ZZ = 31 thus the code for the letter W is 53108040831. If all five columns are not used, don't specify the unnecessary codes. For a check, see if you can do C for yourself. |12345 -+----- 1| XX 2|X 4|X CODE = 3141818 8|X 16| XX Most of the characters you can type are defined. Other important notes are the upper left corner of the first character is coincident with the crosshair selection. Also, the original version allowed vertical text if the string was opened with a lowercase lambda. Now, one of the menu selections is for vertical text mode. After selecting this option, ALL text will be vertical until it is selected again. The arrow option works the same as in the original program. One final note, it is irritating when supplemental variables used by a program overwrite variables you may want. I make it a practice to precede all my programming variables with a "pg" and then I just remember not to name any variable I am using as "pg..." After you have finished with the program, you can do a "delete all" and choose the "pg" variables and have confidence in the fact that no variables you need will be deleted.