Mastermind for the TI-85, the classic guessing game. (6 colors, 4 columns, 10 rows.) To start this game, execute the program MMIND. The other two programs, ZZARROW and ZZCPEG, are subprograms. When the program starts, a banner will be displayed. Hit Enter and turn your calculator sideways. (That's the only way you can get ten rows of letters on the display). I will refer to arrows and display as they appear from this orientation. To put pegs in, hit 2nd or F1-F5. The color that these keys represents are shown in the leftmost section of the display. The middle first letter of that color will appear in the middle section of the display. When you enter four colors, you can hit the DOWN arrow key to see how correct your guess was, or you can use the left and right arrows and 2nd and F1-F5 to change your guess. When you hit DOWN, the rightmost section of the display will show you how correct your guess was. A "white" peg (an empty diamond) represents a correct color in an incorrect position; a "black" peg (a plus sign) represents a correct peg in the correct position. I've been told this is backwards; fixing it as an exersize left to the user. :) If you get to the bottom row without getting a correct answer, the correct color combination will be displayed in the box at the bottom of the display. If you get the correct color combination before hitting the bottom, the word "WIN" will be placed there instead. Press Enter to return to the home screen from here. Hitting EXIT will end the program.