Welcome all you Mechwarrior fans. This is the first full 3-d immersion battle simulator for the T.I.85. First of all I'd like to thank Battletech, FASA Corp., and Activision for the idea of the game. ----begin documentation---- Mechwarrior is a unique game. It involves a self-terminating matrix for targeting the wireframe image and other features described in the document below. This game has many types of controls, aiming, throttle, shooting, and other mech operating functions. First the game will ask you for a difficulty level, the higher the number that you give it, the more armor it will add to your opponent. From the menu below choose your mech. The Marauder is a heavy mech and the R2X a.k.a. "Raptor 2X" is an assault mech with a tri-laser cannon. Warning! This mech also raises more heat! To shoot your double-barrel lasers you need to place your cross-hairs relatively close to the part of the mech's body and press the "alpha" key (it's blue). To aim, you should use the cross-pad located just below the right side of the LCD panel. To control throttle use the keys "8","5", and "2". The "8" key increases your throttle in small increments and the "2" key acts as a deceleration and reverse. The "5" key acts as an emergency stop gear. Last of all the "2nd" (it's orange) key returns you to the main menu with the choices "SHUT","EJECT", and "MOVE". The shutdown feature requires a pass code:"911". The ejection process requires a code as well:"104.1"(my favorite radio station!) Josh Lomas Matthew Obets matto@iapc.net ----end documentation---- ----begin ascii---- \START85\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 11/26/96, 16:14 \NAME=MECHCRED \FILE=C:\TI\85\MECH85\MECHCRED.85P :ClDrw :RcPic MW :For(K,1,800):End :ClDrw :ClLCD :Outpt(3,5,"GRAPHICS BY:") :Outpt(5,6,"JOSH LOMAS") :For(K,1,500):End :ClLCD :Outpt(3,5,"MOVEMENT/SHOP:") :Outpt(5,5,"MATTHEW OBETS") :For(K,1,500):End :ClLCD :Outpt(4,1,"THANKS FOR KICKIN ASS" \STOP85\ \START85\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 11/26/96, 16:15 \NAME=MECHMOVE \FILE=C:\TI\85\MECH85\MECHMOVE.85P :int (rand*20)\->\MOVE :If MOVE==1:Then :X+2XX\->\X:End :If MOVE==2:Then :X-2XX\->\X:End :If MOVE==3:Then :THROTA+.5\->\THROTA:End :If MOVE==4:Then :THROTA-.5\->\THROTA:End :XX*1.25^(THROTA)\->\XX :If MOVE==5 and XX\>=\1/(1.75^3):Then :YOU-2\->\YOU:End :Return \STOP85\ \START85\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 11/26/96, 16:15 \NAME=MECHOPON \FILE=C:\TI\85\MECH85\MECHOPON.85P : ClDrw :If MECH==13:Then :RcPic PIT:End :If MECH==15:Then :RcPic R2X:End :If TORSO\<=\0:Then :Goto LTORSO:End :Line(0,0,X,5) :If LARM\<=\0:Then :Goto LLARM:End :Line(X-6XX,Y+0XX,X-4XX,Y+3XX) :Line(X-4XX,Y+3XX,X-1XX,Y+5XX) :Lbl LLARM :Line(X-1XX,Y+5XX,X-2XX,Y+2XX) :Line(X-2XX,Y+2XX,X+0XX,Y+0XX) :If LLEG\<=\0:Then :Goto LLLEG:End :Line(X+0XX,Y+0XX,X-2XX,Y-1XX) :Line(X-2XX,Y-1XX,X-4XX,Y-4XX) :Line(X-4XX,Y-4XX,X-5XX,Y-7XX) :Line(X-5XX,Y-7XX,X-6XX,Y-8XX) :Line(X-6XX,Y-8XX,X-5XX,Y-7XX) :Line(X-5XX,Y-7XX,X-4XX,Y-8XX) :Lbl LLLEG :If RARM\<=\0:Then :Goto LRARM:End :Line(X+6XX,Y+0XX,X+4XX,Y+3XX) :Line(X+4XX,Y+3XX,X+1XX,Y+5XX) :Lbl LRARM :Line(X+1XX,Y+5XX,X+2XX,Y+2XX) :Line(X+2XX,Y+2XX,X+0XX,Y+0XX) :If RLEG\<=\0:Then :Goto LRLEG:End :Line(X+0XX,Y+0XX,X+2XX,Y-1XX) :Line(X+2XX,Y-1XX,X+4XX,Y-4XX) :Line(X+4XX,Y-4XX,X+5XX,Y-7XX) :Line(X+5XX,Y-7XX,X+6XX,Y-7XX) :Line(X+6XX,Y-8XX,X+5XX,Y-7XX) :Line(X+5XX,Y-7XX,X+4XX,Y-8XX) :Lbl LRLEG :Line(X-240,Y-1,X+240,Y-1) :Line(X-1XX,Y+5XX,X+1XX,Y+5XX) :If X\<=\\(-)\180:Then :\(-)\X\->\X:Return:End :If X\>=\180:Then :\(-)\X\->\X:Return:End :Lbl LTORSO :Return \STOP85\ \START85\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 11/26/96, 16:15 \NAME=MECHSHOT \FILE=C:\TI\85\MECH85\MECHSHOT.85P : If Y\<=\8XX and Y\>=\0XX and X\<=\8XX and X\>=\0:Then :LLEG-1\->\LLEG :If Y\>=\0 and Y\<=\8XX and X\<=\0XX and X\>=\\(-)\8:Then :RLEG-1\->\RLEG:End :If X\<=\2XX and X\>=\\(-)\2XX and Y\<=\0 and Y\>=\\(-)\4XX:Then :TORSO-1\->\TORSO:End :If X\<=\8XX and X\>=\1XX and Y\<=\1XX and Y\>=\\(-)\4XX:Then :LARM-1\->\LARM:End :If X\<=\\(-)\1XX and X\>=\\(-)\8XX and Y\<=\\(-)\1XX and Y\>=\\(-)\4XX\#\ :Then :RARM-1\->\RARM:End :Return \STOP85\ \START85\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 11/26/96, 16:15 \NAME=MECHWAR \FILE=C:\TI\85\MECH85\MECHWAR.85P : Lbl STING :ClDrw :RcPic MW :For(K,1,400):End :Disp "Choose Mech" :Disp "Marauder or Raptor 2X" :Menu(1,"About",ABOUT,2,"MRDR",MRDR,4,"R2X",R2X,5,"aBOUT",ABOT) :Lbl MRDR :13\->\MECH :If MECH==13:Then :RcPic PIT :Goto BOOT:End :Lbl R2X :15\->\MECH :If MECH==15:Then :RcPic R2X :Goto BOOT:End :Lbl BOOT :ClLCD :0\->\THROT :0\->\THROTA :Disp "Difficulty 0-20" :Input DDD :If DDD<0:Then :Goto BOOT:End :If DDD\>=\0:Then :0\->\HEAT :int (rand*30)\->\X :int (rand*8)+2\->\WW :1/(1.25)^WW\->\XX :10\->\YOU :CoordOn :\(-)\10\->\xMin :10\->\xMax :\(-)\10\->\yMin :10\->\yMax :6+DDD\->\LLEG :6+DDD\->\RLEG :5+DDD\->\LARM :5+DDD\->\RARM :10+DDD\->\TORSO :0\->\Y :Lbl IGNIT :ClLCD :Disp "Ignition" :Prompt CODE :If CODE==1\E\36:Then :Goto KITFOX:End :If CODE\<>\1\E\36:Then :ClLCD :Goto IGNIT :Lbl KITFOX :Menu(1,"Shut!",DIRE,3,"Eject",POGO,5,"Move",FIREMOTH) :Lbl DIRE :ClLCD :Disp "SHUTDOWN SEQUENCE" :Prompt CODE :If CODE==911:Then :Goto XBAND:End :If CODE\<>\911:Then :ClLCD :Goto KITFOX :Lbl XBAND :ClLCD :Outpt(3,4,"SHUTTING DOWN!" :Outpt(5,1,"=====================") :Outpt(7,1,"Power Up...Hit Enter") :0\->\HEAT :Pause :ClLCD :Goto KITFOX :Lbl FIREMOTH :MEKDIST2 :Goto KITFOX :Lbl POGO :ClLCD :Disp "EJECT SEQUENCE" :Prompt CODE :If CODE==104.1:Then :Goto KILLER:End :If CODE\<>\104.1:Then :ClLCD :Goto KITFOX :Lbl KILLER :ClLCD :Outpt(3,1,"=====================") :Outpt(4,1,"You Have Dishonored") :Outpt(5,1,"Your Family , LEAVE!") :Outpt(6,1,"=====================") :Stop \STOP85\ \START85\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 11/26/96, 16:15 \NAME=MEKDIST2 \FILE=C:\TI\85\MECH85\MEKDIST2.85P : Lbl AAA :If HEAT>0:Then :HEAT-2\->\HEAT:End :If HEAT>9:Then :Goto HEATL:End :Lbl LHEATA :If TORSO\<=\0:Then :Goto WIN:End :If LLEG\<=\0 and RLEG\<=\0 :Then :Goto WIN:End :If YOU\<=\0:Then :Goto LOSE:End :MECHMOVE :MECHOPON :Line(\(-)\8,0,\(-)\8,3*THROT) :Line(8,\(-)\5,8,(1/4)XX\^-1\) :Lbl BBB :getKy\->\KEYA :If KEYA==83:Then :0\->\THROT:End :If KEYA==24:Then :X+1.5\->\X:End :If KEYA==25:Then :Y+1.5\->\Y:End :If KEYA==26:Then :X-1.5\->\X:End :If KEYA==34:Then :Y-1.5\->\Y:End :If KEYA==73:Then :THROT+.75\->\THROT:End :If KEYA==93:Then :THROT-.75\->\THROT:End :XX*1.25^THROT\->\XX :If KEYA==21:Then :Return:End :If KEYA==0:Then :Goto AAA:End :If KEYA==31:Then :Line(.5,0,10,\(-)\7) :Line(.5,0,10,\(-)\6) :Line(\(-)\.5,0,\(-)\10,\(-)\6) :Line(\(-)\.5,0,\(-)\10,\(-)\7) :Line(.5,0,10,\(-)\5) :Line(\(-)\.5,0,\(-)\10,\(-)\5) :HEAT+4\->\HEAT :If MECH==15:Then :Line(\(-)\.5,5,0,.5) :Line(0,5,0,.5) :Line(.5,5,0,.5) :HEAT+2\->\HEAT :DMGE+1\->\DMGE :End :MECHSHOT:End :Goto AAA :Lbl WIN :CILCD :Outpt(4,7,"You Win !") :MECHSHOP :Stop :Lbl LOSE :CILCD :Outpt(3,7,"You Lose!") :Pause :MECHCRED :Stop :Lbl HEATL :If HEAT\>=\10 and HEAT\<=\13:Then :ClLCD :Outpt(4,5,"Heat Critical !") :Pause :Goto LHEATA:End :If HEAT\>=\12:Then :ClLCD :Outpt(3,8,"System,") :Outpt(5,5,"Shutting Down !") :YOU-(int (rand*6))\->\YOU :0\->\HEAT :Pause :Goto LHEATA :End \STOP85\ ----end ascii----