This is a Hurricane Tracking map for the TI-85. It consists of a program file and a picture file which is the carribean/gulf map. Hurricane Grapher by David E. Johnston Hurricane Grapher allows the plotting of a hurricane along the East coast and Carribean from Lat. 15 through 40 and Long. 65 through 100. The program consists of two files; MAP: A picture file 1017 Bytes. HURRICAN: The program file 2034 Bytes. When you run the program, you are presented with a menu across the bottom of the screen. The menu options are: PLOT TRACK CITY VIEW ESC *****PLOT***** The PLOT option allows you to plot a single hurricane position. You will be prompted for the Lat. and Long. positions of the hurricane. Then, the calculator will draw a map of the Carribean and Gulf of Mexico with the hurricane represented at the appropriate position. *****TRACK***** The TRACK option allows you to follow the progression of a storm. You will be prompted for the number of positions which you will enter. Then, you will enter each coordinate pair. When you have entered all the points, the map will be displayed with circles at each point entered and a hurricane symbol located at the last position entered. Each position will be connected by lines. *****CITY***** The CITY option allows you to have the computer represent a certain location with a circle. That location may be your home town, Aunt Mae's house, or your precious yacht. When you choose this option, you will be presented with a menu. There are four pre-entered cities; Brownsville, TX (my home town - and therefore of great interest), Corpus Christi, TX, Miami, FL, and Havana Cuba. You may choose one of these cities by entering its corresponding number, or you may enter you own city (or location) by entering 0 for 'other'. You will then be prompted for the Lat. and Long. *****VIEW***** VIEW merely draws the map and any city currently entered. *****ESC***** ESC leaves the program. I appreciate any input. My e-mail is