Minehunt for the TI-85. Essentially matches the HP48xx game. When the program starts out, it will ask you for a value for Xsize, Ysize, and Mines. These values are the the width and height of the matrix containing the mines, and the number of mines to place within that matrix. After these values have been entered, it will place the mines and set up the matrix (progress, in terms of columns completed, is shown in the lower right corner). When setup is completed, the matrix will be displayed as periods on the screen. This represents an unknown square. The X is your cursor. On the right side of the screen is, from top to bottom, your column, row, score (mod 100) and how mines are around the current cursor location. Arrows move the cursor around the screen. If the grid is larger than the screen, you can move off the screen and other portions of the grid will be drawn. As you move, you find out how many mines are around the square you are currently on, your score goes up, and the periods on the grid are replaced with numbers. The object of the game is get to the # sign without stepping on a mine. When you get to the # sign, you win. If you hit a mine, you lose. If you suddenly find yourself having something better to do (teacher asked a question?), hit Exit. If you do this, next time you run the program it will ask you if you want to start a new new game (New), or continue an old game (Cont).