A 1-4 player blackjack game. It's a little slow, but it's pretty good. Designed by SKA software, our "anti-edit" technology is used here. TrueCard blackjack, 1993, SKA software, Cleveland OH. Up to four players can play this game at once (passing it around, not through link.) If you know how to play blackjack, you'll catch on easily. If not, you can probably learn by playing. The downside to this program is that it is a little slow, and the optional computer player is a little dumb. I'm sure with time and dedication, it can be fixed. If you make it better, let us know! note: when it says "PLAYER (#) PRESS ENTER", give it to that player, and player, don't let everyone see until it's their turn. Your one card is hidden until it's all over so that another player won't keep like a 12 since they see you busted, and they have a better chance of winning. Only the one program is needed. It's rather large (you can tell by the UUE size), it's > 6000 bytes. If you get this game, though, you obviously have a GRAPH-TI or similar thing, so just back up a few programs, delete them it you must, and give TrueCard BJ a try! note: SKA software has quite a few games made already. For info, send an e-mail to me, science200@aol.com. PS As mentioned, this uses our exclusive anti-editing technology to prevent people from tampering with the program. ASCII could not be enclosed because even the text converters can't work with the format we developed. The program can be linked calculator to calculator still, it's just read-only.