This is the program I wrote that is very cool, it took me a really long time to write. It takes user-defined measurements and draws the appropriate box. It also tells you the area and volume of the box along with the measurements you provided (in case you forget). Please give it a try I would REALLY appriciate it. =^) -- -------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Futrell @ BOXZ, by Mike Futrell ( SIZE: 478 bytes Rating: Very Cool A cool box drawing program it uses user defined measurements and draws a 3D box. Tells you the area and volume of the box you had drawn. ------------------------- ClrHome ClrDraw AxesOff Output(1,4,"-WIDTH?") Input W W\->\Z Output(2,4,"-HEIGHT?") Input H H\->\\@\ Output(3,4,"-LENGTH?") Input L L\->\X W*H\->\A A*6\->\C W*L*H\->\V 0\->\T 0\->\F 0\->\Xmin 0\->\Ymin H/2*3\->\Xmax ((W/2)*3)+(L/2)\->\Ymax 1\->\Xscl 1\->\Yscl 1\->\Xres ZSquare Line(F,T,F,H) Line(F,T,W,T) Line(W,T,W,H) Line(F,H,W,H) L/2\->\L Line(F,H,F+L,H+L) Line(W,H,W+L,H+L) Line(F,T,F+L,T+L) Line(W,T,W+L,T+L) F+L\->\F H+L\->\H W+L\->\W T+L\->\T Line(F,T,F,H) Line(F,T,W,T) Line(W,T,W,H) Line(F,H,W,H) Pause ClrHome Output(3,1,"LENGTH IS") Output(3,11,X) Output(2,1,"HEIGHT IS") Output(2,11,\@\) Output(1,1,"WIDTH IS") Output(1,11,Z) Output(5,1,"AREA IS") Output(5,11,C) Output(6,1,"VOLUME IS") Output(6,11,V) Pause