A very difficult MazeMaster add-on maze. Requires MazeMaster 1 or 2 to run. Need something a bit more challenging than the mazes built into MazeMaster? This is a very difficult add-on maze for the original Maze Master. You must have Maze Master ver 1.12 or higher on you calculator to use this program. It should also run fine on newer versions, such as Maze Master 2. To run this maze: If you have Maze Master 1 (ver. 1.12 through 1.14): 1. Run MMNOVICE 2. You will be brought to the Maze Master main menu 3. Select "ADD-ON" If you have Maze Master 2 (ver 2.0 through 2.5): 1. Run MMMOVICE 2. You will be brought to the Maze Master main menu 3. Select "MM1 ADD-ON" Note: With MazeMaster 2, this add-on will play in 3-D. If you have Maze Master 3 or higher, the procedure might be slightly different. You play this maze the same way as you do the ones built into Maze Master. Designed and programmed by David Smith. (c) 1994, CompuTech For more information about CompuTech Entertainment and Application programs for the TI-8x series of calculators, write to: CompuTech 90 Stevens st. Windsor Locks, CT 06096-2140 or send e-mail to: SmADavid@aol.com