dotshot.uue - DOTSHOT is similar to Green Globs. The user tries to draw lines, via equations in slope-intercept form, thru points on a coordinate plane. DOTSHOT is like Green Globs but for the 82. The user must write equations in slope-intercept form (y=mx+b) to pass through points plotted on a coordinate grid. I got the initial program idea from a program written by a teacher in Canton, Ohio for the TI -81. I apologize for not having the original authors name. The only code I "stole" from him was the random order pair generator. The program begins asking for the user to select New or Old points. If the program is being executed for the first time select New Points. If the program is interrupted AND the lists have not been altered then select Old Points. If New Points was selected the user is prompted to select the number of points to be plotted on the grid. A good number would be about 15. The points will be randomly generated and plotted on the screen. Some points may overlap each other somewhat. Ea ch point is has a "diameter" of about 0.4 . At this point the user must select point(s) to draw a line through and should write the ordered pair(s) on a sheet of paper. An equation needs to be calculated in slope-intercept form (y=mx+b) . Press ENTER. The screen goes into split screen mode and p rompts the user to input the equation and put quotation marks around it. NOTE!! The whole equation y=mx+b should not be entered, only "mx+b" ! Additionally, only the leading quote needs to be included. The ending quote is not necessary. For example, if the equation y = 1/2 x - 2/3 is the equation to be entered, the user should type in: "(1/2)x-(2/3) The line will be graphed and a determination will be made if point(s) are hit. If hit the point(s) will be erased and a score will be displayed along with the number of points hit by a single line. The user must again pick a point(s) to draw a line through and press ENTER. The process is repeated until all points are "hit". Once all points arer hit a screen appears informing the user that all points have been hit, the total score, the total number of dots attempted, and the number of lines used. Scoring is determined by 2^n - 1, where "n" is the number of dots hit. Therefore, to achieve a high score, attempt to hit as many dots as possible with a single line. A few notes: The program will accept something besides a linear equation in slope-intercept form but detection may not be guaranteed. I could not figure out how to detect if a point was hit using a generic formula. Therefore, I defaulted to the linear equation. The basic idea goes as follows: (1) convert the slope-intercept form into Standard form. (2) use the formula to find the distance from the point to a line. (3) if the distance is <= 0.2 then declare the point "hit" The program was edit protected only to prevent students from editing the program. I don't care if you modify the program. All I ask is that if you use the program, or parts of it, elsewhere, please give credit where credit is due. I've used this in my classroom and the students seem to enjoy playing with it. If you decide to use this in the classroom and you want to first show the students how to use the program, have the students enter a common value into RAND, so that everybody gets the same ordered pairs. For example, have all students perform the operati on 1->rand prior to running the program. This way they can follow along with their calculators while you are demonstrating it on the overhead. Variables used: L1,L2,L3,L5,L6 A,B,C,D,I,J,M,N,S,T,X,a,b Y1 Pic1 Any comments, compliments, complaints, or suggestions for improvement should be sent to me at .