fargo/ Fargo files games/ Games for the TI-92 92stuff.uue 2658 03-02-97 [92P] TI-92 stuff adv.uue 84681 03-02-97 [92P] Symbolic solution of differential | equations and vector calculus agradet.zip 2028 11-01-96 [92G] A+ Grade Tracker (v1.0) altman92.zip 17687 09-12-96 [92P] AltMan program manager amass.zip 1954 11-18-96 [92F] Atomic mass calculator ashell10.zip 3818 10-14-96 [92G] AShell program manager (v1.0) balancer.uue 3339 03-02-97 [92G] Account balancer base.uue 5913 03-02-97 [92P] Base conversions calendar.uue 2206 03-02-97 [92P] Calendar calgen11.uue 2942 03-02-97 [92P] Calendar generator chat.uue 2198 03-02-97 [92P] Chat chemdb.uue 75688 03-02-97 [92P] Chemistry database chemical.zip 6635 10-28-96 [92G] Chemistry program (v2.1) chism.uue 3676 03-02-97 [92P] Application launcher choleski.uue 1692 03-02-97 [92P] Choleski matrix decomposition cis.uue 1217 03-02-97 [92P] Rectangular and polar conversion cofact.uue 460 03-02-97 [92F] Function to take a square matrix argument | and return its matrix of cofactors conics.uue 1187 03-02-97 [92P] Quadratic conic solver constnts.uue 5354 03-02-97 [92P] Constants conv2.uue 3428 03-02-97 [92P] Unit conversions dates.uue 2354 03-02-97 [92P] Dates de8a10.uue 9110 03-02-97 [92G] French phone number conversion default.uue 2863 03-02-97 [92P] Resets defaults director.uue 4088 03-02-97 [92P] Personal directory dos066.uue 6440 03-02-97 [92P] TI-DOS (French) (v0.66) elem.uue 40210 03-02-97 [92P] Solution of simultaneous nonlinear | equations, regression, plots encrypt.uue 1681 03-02-97 [92P] Encryption formula.uue 1209 03-02-97 [92P] Formulas fraction.uue 914 03-02-97 [92P] Fraction Simplifier gamma.uue 1042 03-02-97 [92P] Computes gamma function values getkey10.uue 1253 03-02-97 [92P] GetKey values grades.uue 2621 03-02-97 [92P] Calculate grades hwtrak30.zip 3495 10-07-96 [92G] Homework Trakker (v3.0) icons.zip 5546 01-14-97 [92G] Icons julia.uue 943 03-02-97 [92P] Julia fractal loggraph.uue 5929 03-02-97 [92P] Log-based graph utility mac1.uue 5743 03-02-97 [92P] Macintosh interface mandel.uue 4889 03-02-97 [92P] Mandelbrot fractal manual.uue 13897 03-02-97 [92P] TI-92 manual martin.uue 830 03-02-97 [92P] Barry Martin fractals math_ext.zip 5127 01-27-97 [92P] Physical constants, vector-fields (2dim | and streamline), equation solver menu.uue 10419 03-02-97 [92G] Menu program moonecl.zip 2621 11-26-96 [92P] Lunar Eclipses (v1.0) moonfrac.zip 1500 11-25-96 [92P] MoonFrac - computes illuminated fraction | of moon's disk ntheory.uue 11942 03-02-97 [92G] Number theory programs ped.uue 35374 03-02-97 [92P] Bitmap editor pigraphs.zip 6193 11-08-96 [92G] PIgraphs - draws pie graphs (v2.1) plcpic14.uue 1572 03-02-97 [92P] PlacePic pms16.uue 14937 03-02-97 [92P] Professional Menu System primes.uue 1541 03-02-97 [92P] Displays prime numbers quad92.uue 7898 03-02-97 [92P] Quadratic Formula (v6.2) reset.uue 2550 03-02-97 [92P] Resets settings sdiv.uue 3025 03-02-97 [92P] Synthetic division spantest.zip 7875 11-21-96 [92P] Spanish database and test (v1.0) speedtst.uue 2251 03-02-97 [92P] Speed test srref.zip 845 11-03-96 [92P] Stepwise Row Reducing Echelon Form (v1.0) stock.uue 6200 03-02-97 [92P] Stock tablevar.uue 4186 03-02-97 [92P] TabVar thegoods.zip 7327 02-05-97 [92G] The Goods - misc utilities timekpr.uue 2101 03-02-97 [92P] Time keeper triang03.uue 3194 03-02-97 [92P] Triangle Wizard trigfunc.uue 1613 03-02-97 [92P] Trig functions unit.uue 30038 03-02-97 [92P] Auto units algebra and conversion unitconv.uue 3753 03-02-97 [92P] Unit conversion vector.uue 20768 03-02-97 [92P] Vector Solver (v1.21) vocab.zip 1882 01-23-97 [92P] Vocabulary Helper winlib.uue 9808 03-02-97 [92P] Windows library word.uue 2025 03-02-97 [92P] Word solver wordpowr.uue 3603 03-02-97 [92G] Word Power work1.uue 2040 03-02-97 [92P] Geometry session