This Statistical Program Calculates all componets of a simple regression (Sums of Squares, betas, t statictics, CI's) also sets STAT graph ranges ----begin documentation---- Program: RandDsgn Author: Dan Watkins ( Size: 1890 bytes This program is written only for SIMPLE regressions The main part of this program calculates: Xbar (means) Ybar (means) Sums of Squares: SSxy, SSxx, SSyy, SSE (error) Beta0 (slope intercept), Beta1 (Slope) Standard devaition, Variance Correlation Coefficient, Coefficient of Determination t calc, and degrees of freedom for t critical (need a table to do Hypothesis test) Then you can calculate a Confidence Interval for Beta1 or Y. (you have to input t alpha/2) 1=yes 0=no (when asked) There are two ways to use this part of the program: 1. You enter the data list into the TI-85 STAT editor (xStat & yStat) then hit the calc menu and chooze Linear Regression. A. Then you run "SimLReg" and choose "YES" that the data is in the STAT mem. The rest is basiclly outputs. 2. You choose "NO" that the data is not in the STAT mem. A. This takes you to a sub menu that asks "Sums or Sums of Squares" IF you choose "Sums" you will be prompted to enter: Sums of X, Y, X^2, Y^2, XY, and n (#of observations). After these are entered you will recieve the outputs. IF you choose Sums of Squares, you will be prompted to enter: Xbar (mean), Ybar, SSxy, SSxx, SSyy, and n. Your outputs will start with the beta's. The other parts of this program is an "Equation Menu"...if you hit this you will be given a submenu of all the individual equations...once you chooze an equation you will be prompted to go to Solver. When you go to solver...the equation will be there for you. (the variables in the equations are you can run a low level equation...then chooze a higher level equation (that was dependent on the first) and the variable will carry over!!!). The Last part of the program (from the main menu) merely sets the graph ranges to the data in xStat and yStat. If you have any questions mail me at: ----end documentation---- ----begin ascii---- ----end ascii---- ----begin uue---- begin 644 simlreg.85p M*BI423@U*BH:#`!0`!OYC-!;^DMQGD`;^8S0F_I+<9X$@!O MYC-#;^DMQGD2`&_F,T1OZ2W&>'D`;^8S16_I+6X`;^8S1F_@04$`;^QO,T%Q M,T8+,TIOZ2W+/0`O,TIOXF\S0G$S1@LS2V_I+'D]`"\S1V_B;S-#81`S04IQ,T81"S-(;^DM4U-X M>#T`+S-(;^)O,T1A$#-"2G$S1A$+,TUOZ2U34WEY/0`O,TUOXF_A`B!1`&_@ M4`!O[&_I+3T`;N8S1V_I+5-3>'@] M`&[F,TAOZ2U34WEY/0!NYC--;^DM;CT`;N8S1F_@40!O,T=Q,T@+-+PQ;^DM MO#$]`"\TO#%OXF\S2V$TO#%P,TH+-+PP;^DMO#`]`"\TO#!OXF\S36$TO#%P M,T<+,TYOZ2U34T4]`"\S3F_B;S-.<1`S1F%$,@`1"S-/;^DM#\R`7EOXF_I+5=A;G0@0TD@9F]R(+PQ`&_F M,UIOV#-:;]EOZ2UT(,;^DM5V%N="!#22!F;W(@60!OYC-8;]@S6&_9;^DM="#' M+S(`;^8S5V_G-%AP;^D0-+PP8#2\,7`T6'`183-7<*`S3W"@$!!$,0!Q,T81 M8!`T6'!A,TH12G$S2!%OZ1`TO#!@-+PQ<#18;^-OX$0`;^QO3!!$,0`O+5-3>'D`+S-%+T0R M`"\M4U-X>``O,T8O1#,`+RU34WEY`"\S1R]$-``O+5-310`O,T@O1#4`+RU- M3U)%`"\S21%OX$D`;TP01#$`+RV\,0`O,THO1#(`+RV\,``O,TLO1#,`+RW' M$@`O,TPO1#0`+RUR`"\S32]$-0`O+4U/4D4`+S-:$6_@6@!O3!!$-``O+5)E M9T5Q`"\S62]$-0`O+4U/4D4`+S-5+T0R`"\M="!C86P`+S-8+T0S`"\M0TD@ MO#$`+S-7+T0Q`"\M6_A``!.`&_@1@!O,@-E<6X_.%-537A346$0-E-537A*<3-.$3\V M4U-X>&_A``!.`&_@1P!O,@-E<6X_.%-537E346$0-E-537E*<3-.$3\V4U-Y M>6_A``!.`&_@2`!O,@-E<6X_-E-3>7EA-+PQ<#934WAY/S534T5OX0``3@!O MX$H`;S(#97%N/S934WAY<3934WAX/S2\,6_A``!.`&_@2P!O,@-E<6X_-EEB M87)A-+PQ<#988F%R/S2\,&_A``!.`&_@3`!O,@-E<6X_-5-317$0,TYA1#(` M$3\UQU-1;^$``$X`;^!-`&\R`V5Q;C\V4U-X>7&@$#934WEY<#934WAX$3\R M`7)OX0``3@!OX%D`;S(#97%N/S2\,&`TO#%P,U@_,UEOX0``3@!OX%@`;S(# M97%N/S(!'@1/S1#26_A``!.`&_@5@!O,@-E M<6X_1#$`83534T5Q-E-3>7D_-7)346_A``!.`&_@5`!O,@-E<6X_,UEA,@%T M<#-S<*`0$$0Q`'$S3A%@$#18<&$V6&)A