This statistical program will calculate an ANOVA table for a completely Randomized Design up to 6 treatments. (will not do blocks or covariates) ----begin documentation---- Program: RandDsgn Author: Dan Watkins ( Size: 1745 bytes This is a very easy program to execute. First you enter how many treatments you have..... Then you enter the Mean, Standard deviation, and # of observations for each treatment (you will be prompted for these componets). The program will output the ANOVA table componets.... the Grand Mean Sum of Squares: Treatment, Error, Total Degrees of Freedom: Treatment, Error, Total Means Squared: Treatment, Error F calc degrees of freedom for F critical (used for Hypothesis testing) ----end documentation---- ----begin ascii---- ----end ascii---- ----begin uue---- begin 644 randdsgn.85p M*BI423@U*BH:#`!0;]@S051$-`!OV6\0-$XQ$#=88F%R,6$S0A%*8#1.,A`W6&)A;Q`S1&`S0Q$+,T5OZ2U34U0]`&_I M,T-OXF_I+5-313T`;^DS1&_B;^DM4U-T;W1A;#T`;^DS16_B;Q`S06%$,0`1 M"S-&;]@S05!$,@!O$!`T3C%@-$XR$6%$,0`1"S-';]@S051$,P!O$!`T3C%@ M-$XR8#1.,Q%A1#$`$0LS1V_8,T%41#0`;Q`0-$XQ8#1.,F`T3C-@-$XT$6%$ M,0`1"S-';]@S051$-0!O$!`T3C%@-$XR8#1.,V`T3C1@-$XU$6%$,0`1"S-' M;]@S05!$-@!O$!`T3C%@-$XR8#1.,V`T3C1@-$XU8#1.-A%A1#$`$0LS1V\0 M,T=A,T81"S-(;^DM9&94/0!OZ3-&;^)OZ2UD9D4]`&_I,TAOXF_I+61F5$]4 M04P]`&_I,T=OXF_I+4U35#T`;Q`S0W$S1A$+,TEOZ3-);^)OZ2U-4T4]`&\0 M,T1Q,T@1"S-*;^DS2F_B;^QOZ2U&(&-R:70]`&_I$#-&+S-($6_I+2`@("`@ M("`H57-E($8@=&%B;&5S*0!OZ2T`;^DM1B!C86QC/0!O$#-)<3-*$0LS2V_I &,TMOXZ8` ` end ----end uue----