From!!samsung!uunet!!brolga!uqcspe!!grue 18 Feb 91 23:18:05 GMT Path:!!samsung!uunet!!brolga!uqcspe!!grue From: (Frobozz) Newsgroups: comp.sys.handhelds Subject: Re: HP48: connecting SCATTER: the easy way. Message-ID: <> Date: 18 Feb 91 23:18:05 GMT References: <> Sender: Reply-To: Lines: 71 In <> (Jurjen NE Bos) writes: >There was a discussion about making a SCATTER plot with connected lines. I have also written a program to do this, it isn't as neat as the mentioned method but it doesn't leave any fluff hanging around (i.e. it doesn't require setting an equation). You'll have to bear with me since I haven't downloaded it yet, this means that the program at the end has been typed by myself and might contain errors. (I think that what I have typed is actually correct). My program is a combination of machine code and RPL and works reasonably quickly. LPLOT Checksum = # F2FCh, size = 93.5 (when RCLed to the stack) << SCATRPLOT # 2C9FEh SYSEVAL GETC # 2C9EAh SYSEVAL GETC R->C ARRY-> LIST-> - 1 SWAP START OVER LINE NEXT DROP {} PVIEW >> This routine makes use of the following routine that extracts a column from a matrix. It works quite quickly too (has anybody looked at the column extract routine from the HP28 statistics application book? It does a transpose and then repeated Sigma-'s to extract the row of intertest! This is much neater and faster. Don't run this routine by itself since it does NOT include aduquate error checking. GETC Checksum = # 5CB6, size = 88 (when RCLed to the stack) "D9D20881309A5309FF306B65044230DEE324B2A22443033F06CCD20470008F14 6608FB9760147134169169146D7CF164146D5F118A136F0CA17414713517E179 1301567C0155717FCF5DE8F2D760174E7142164808CB21306BC5" I just re-typed the above string into my hp and it was the same as the original, so I would expect it to be correct. To run the program just press the LPLOT soft key and your statistics data matrix (sigmaDAT) will be plotted (first the points and the the lines joining them up). I should note that this program works fine on my 48 (revision E roms), it may not work on earlier versions. If you have any problems and you have revision E roms, I'd be willing to help fix them. If you have problems and you have earlier revision roms, you can still send me a message but I may not be able to help. As usual, this program is copyright myself, 1991 all rights reserved but as usual, any non-profit usage of this program is ok by me (if you want to include it in your commercial software or publish it in a book/journal then you require my permission first --- it is usually given). Enjoy... Pauli seeya Paul Dale | Internet/CSnet: Dept of Computer Science| Bitnet: Uni of Qld | JANET: Australia, 4072 | EAN: grue@batserver.cs.uq.oz | UUCP: uunet!munnari!batserver.cs.uq.oz!grue f4e6g4Qh4++ | JUNET: --